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Job on Shedule 4 but not on States SOL..??


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Hi all,


Well now all the "new" immigration information seems to have been released I'm a little confused!!


My Husbands profession was on the Old Shedule 1 as a wanted profession although worded slightly different to the UK name, now its has been removed from the new Schedule 3 and is ONLY on the Schedule 4 State Sponsored list and the name matches exactly to his UK job role. The problem is, I have checked all the State Sponsored lists that they have released and I can not find his profession on ANY of them.


What is the point in the government putting a profession on the schedule 4 so people can be sponsored but then no states put the same professions on their list.


I take it if his profession is not on any states lists then we can go no further with this from his professional side??


A second question, although its hard for anyone to answer, what is the general sense that the imigration rules will be changed again with in the next 5 years?? We were planning to finally make the move in approx 3 years but Im now pregnant which means 1 yr off work, which reults in quite a fair hit on our savings, which we will need so we have upped the time back up to 5 years with this new development, Im wondering if I should move departments (I work in IT but my job is not on Sched 3 or 4 but if I applied for a job in one of the teams that is, I would by then have 3-5 yrs experience in the other role, although no formal qualification) or if we should hope Hubbys profession goes back on to Sched 3 or at the very least some states add it to their SOL!


thanks for any help!

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Guest AustrAnglian



I think your interpretation is correct. If you're not on Schedule 3 then you can't apply for a 175 and if you're not on any of the SMPs you can no longer apply for their State Sponsorship (and therefore a 176).


NSW haven't released their SMP yet but have traditionally nominated few occupations so would not expect you will have much joy there unless you're on their existing sponsorship list.


I believe the SMPs will be renegotiated every fiscal year (July through June) so the current SMPs are for the year to June 2011. In July I think each State will renegotiate a new quota of positions and so there's always a possibility every year that your OH's occupation will resurface.


Frankly it's a bit of a mug's game trying to second guess if your occupation will remain in favour, or selecting a new career today in the hope that it will still be desirable for States in a few years. Someone may have some stats on which occupations have always remained on the list (probably medical professionals). Hopefully someone else will be along with greater insights. All the best.

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thank you very much for your help and interpretation, looks like it is the same as mine, which is highly unfortunate and a kick in the teeth as if neither job is on any SS lists (ever!) then i'd say were stuck in blighty.


If they change the State lists every year then I suppose there is a small change he could get on one, although I doubt it as its not a common job I think states would ask for (Training & Development Professional) but then there is the risk if I switch to say the DBA team at work (Database Administrators) which is in a few states Lists, in 3/4 years when we start the process that may not be on any states lists anymore so its an imposible guess and right not seems like an impossible dream.


I think ill just quietley live in hope for the next few years!

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Does the work you do translate well into Organisational Development specialist, and if so have you checked this on the state lists as it used to be listed (though this could have changed with the latest release)?


Edited to add that training and development professional is on the ACT SMP, though limited places available.

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Hi Michele,


Its actually Hubbys job, I'm not sure it would translate in to that really (although admittedly I have limited knowledge in what he does, only the basics, he designs training plans for financial companies and then presents them to the staff, be it new starters or existing staff who are having more training, it does involve alot of planning and organising and it is now a role in the UK listed under the HR department side of things, I don't really know much more than that TBH) however I think ACT must of been the ONLY state I didn't check yet (or I did and missed it :chatterbox:) lets hope its still in there in a few years when the process starts for us as even though its not where we want to be it would be the only gateway in by the looks of it and if im correct we would only have to stay there for 2 years before moving anywhere I think.


Thanks very much for your help Michelle you have cheered me up pointing out the ACT :wubclub:

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thank you very much for your help and interpretation, looks like it is the same as mine, which is highly unfortunate and a kick in the teeth as if neither job is on any SS lists (ever!) then i'd say were stuck in blighty.


If they change the State lists every year then I suppose there is a small change he could get on one, although I doubt it as its not a common job I think states would ask for (Training & Development Professional) but then there is the risk if I switch to say the DBA team at work (Database Administrators) which is in a few states Lists, in 3/4 years when we start the process that may not be on any states lists anymore so its an imposible guess and right not seems like an impossible dream.


I think ill just quietley live in hope for the next few years!


States do have an allocation of "off list" occupations (about 100 each I think). If your hubbys job is uncommon as you say but highly skil;led in his area there may be the option for then to sponsor him as one of their off list allocation. Each state has specific criteria for off list nomination for example I know SA only accept onshore applications. Other states may vary. Just a thought and something maybe for you to look into??:wubclub:

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thanks you for that libbysmum deffinatley very helpfull indeed, he does have a degree in his specific job however he is looking in to doing the next stage of training NLP which I believe is quite specilised, however it costs about 3k to do the course and his current employer won't pay for it, but once he got that his job would be considered Specilised so I guess there may be a very small chance we could get in some where with an off list nomination, I guess we would just have to apply to the indavidual states at the time and see if any of them consider him specilised.


There is always a glimmer of light at the end of every tunnel I suppose. :biggrin:


I have just been looking at ACT there are a few jobs that meet hubbies current job exactly and admin jobs for me (I want to get "out" of IT really, just want something to earn a few quid!) so thats OK but my good the rentals are few and far between and very pricey, the cheapest was $540 p/w and it was hardly desirable, the kind of thing were wanting is more like $800p/w and as for buying....out of the question!!

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