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The reality thread


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Just want to know if anyone who has made the move to Australia agrees with the following statements, from what I have read over the past few months this seems to be the conclusion of most threads:

The UK and Australia are different, not better or worse than each other. Both have lots to offer.

You only realise what you did or didn’t have when you leave the UK.

Some people are just not suited to living in Australia and shouldn’t feel bad if they don’t like it.

If you have the opportunity it is worth giving it a go.

The amount you earn compared to the UK will decide whether the cost of living is higher or lower than the UK.


Finding your happy place in life is more important than the sunshine.


Leaving friends and family is hard on everyone and shouldn’t be dismissed as a factor when deciding to move away.


Everyone has a different experience of Australia and their opinions should be taken as examples of how life could turn out good or bad not how it will turn out.


You really need to be prepared for anything when moving to Australia and take a double dose of reality before getting on the plane.


Feel free to add anymore that may help to give a clear picture of Australia to those looking to migrate.


The reason I post this is that all my friends in the UK and Ireland assume that everyone is better off in Australia and have no worries and they are all living in the worst place in earth.

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Guest famousfive

I agree with you on every single point.A well thought out post.I'm thinking you're an Irishman then with that sound logic.:biggrin:

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Guest famousfive

I know,i'm still in shock after finding there are two 6 o'clocks in the day......and one of them is called a.m. :yes:

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Good post.The thing that i've noticed is,as you say,they are totally different countries.Just because Aussies speak the same language does not mean jack shiit!Its a very,very different Country,with a different culture.Not saying it's right,wrong or anything else,just don't expect it to be too much like the UK.:yes::biggrin:

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Guest guest17301

and do you know what..I find the opposite to be true. I find the 'feel' of Australia not unlike the UK. Its not so different IMO, It certainly doesnt feel like a foreign country. I dont feel like a foreigner..Im thinking aloud now...I wonder if this is why I'm settled? It feels new and exciting yet strangely familiar. I feel at home but its better than my old home, I feel accepted. Is this because its Perth and Poms outnumber Aussies in areas? maybe??!

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Guest guest37336
and do you know what..I find the opposite to be true. I find the 'feel' of Australia not unlike the UK. Its not so different IMO, It certainly doesnt feel like a foreign country. I dont feel like a foreigner..Im thinking aloud now...I wonder if this is why I'm settled? It feels new and exciting yet strangely familiar. I feel at home but its better than my old home, I feel accepted. Is this because its Perth and Poms outnumber Aussies in areas? maybe??!


Hi Fiona.


You have from the outset, though I missed your arrival etc, said that Perth if you put the hard yakka in will accept you and welcome you. And I admire your honesty to say that 'maybe' it is because certain areas in Perth are 'Pom' city, :biglaugh:. I think that may have a lot to do with it, but at the same time a 'mindset' such as yours can go a long way to deciding your future.:wink:


Onward and upwards Fiona.


Cheers Tony.:wubclub:

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Guest guest30038
and do you know what..I find the opposite to be true. I find the 'feel' of Australia not unlike the UK. Its not so different IMO, It certainly doesnt feel like a foreign country. I dont feel like a foreigner..Im thinking aloud now...I wonder if this is why I'm settled? It feels new and exciting yet strangely familiar. I feel at home but its better than my old home, I feel accepted. Is this because its Perth and Poms outnumber Aussies in areas? maybe??!


I think not Fi. I think it's down to you. You're a realist with an open mind. Start looking at things differently from the UK(Bloody hell they don't sell Paxo :cry:) and they will look different. Embrace the place, and it will embrace you.


I feel like you. The scenery's different, the weather's different, lots of things are different, but I don't feel different (to how I felt in the UK) IYKWIM. I think quite simply, that because nobody has treated me like an alien then I don't feel that the country is alien to me.


And Danny, that's a bloody good list mate.



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Guest guest17301

I do wonder if it would have been different if we'd have gone to Mackay in QLD, the first 'real contender' when we were planning the move. I'm not sure but I do remember the ward sister at the hospital I applied to saying there were no other pom nurses in the hospital that she knew of...that put me off a bit if I'm honest, that and the 'tropical' weather and cost /availability of affordable housing meant we shifted the search to Perth when QLD had been the only place we were considering.


In my job, I work with mainly English and Irish nurses, a few Aussies but definitely more poms, Aussie Drs, all my friends are poms, mainly made on PIO! I'm not sure if that's a bad or good thing or not, I dont tend to 'see' the nationality as such, I really think the person is whats important, have met so many lovely Aussies who i've 'clicked' with and lots of Poms who I've not. I dont know what im trying to say really, just thinking aloud again.


So glad we made it Perth now but would still love to experience QLD and Adelaide and Tassie, the others I could take or leave at the mo..(all based on my perceptions of the places I have to say)

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Guest guest30038


So glad we made it Perth now but would still love to experience QLD


There's a spare room here if you decide to holiday up here



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Guest The Ropey HOFF
There's a spare room here if you decide to holiday up here




Is that the room where theres and adjoining door through to your bedroom, through the back of the wardrobe?:laugh:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I rember that joke on PIO


It was a young pommy guy, who had lost his bus fare home and he asked an Aussie bludger if he could lend a dollar to get home, he said.................. i've lost me fare home and i am hot and tired and i hate Australia and its lack of culture and history and............... the Aussie bludger said, Say no more............. heres 5 dollars take the rest of your whinging family with you back to the uk.

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Guest guest30038
Is that the room where theres and adjoining door through to your bedroom, through the back of the wardrobe?:laugh:


No, it's the one you took off me :arghh:



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Im with you Fi its not so different. I dont understand when all I hear is this is the same and that isnt the same I cant get over how easy its all been. I seriously wonder if I am living in the same country when I read some of the comments. Mind you Im in a very Pommy place to.


Life is as easy or as hard as you wanna make it I reckon :wink:

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and do you know what..I find the opposite to be true. I find the 'feel' of Australia not unlike the UK. Its not so different IMO, It certainly doesnt feel like a foreign country. I dont feel like a foreigner..Im thinking aloud now...I wonder if this is why I'm settled? It feels new and exciting yet strangely familiar. I feel at home but its better than my old home, I feel accepted. Is this because its Perth and Poms outnumber Aussies in areas? maybe??!


Some of my family thought this until they went back to the UK, they they realised the difference. Have you been back since you moved here? I think we find things that are the same to make us feel like its not that different and to help us settle. Just a thought....

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I think not Fi. I think it's down to you. You're a realist with an open mind. Start looking at things differently from the UK(Bloody hell they don't sell Paxo :cry:) and they will look different. Embrace the place, and it will embrace you.


I feel like you. The scenery's different, the weather's different, lots of things are different, but I don't feel different (to how I felt in the UK) IYKWIM. I think quite simply, that because nobody has treated me like an alien then I don't feel that the country is alien to me.


And Danny, that's a bloody good list mate.




What? No paxo? That's it then the whole thing is off :biggrin:

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Guest guest30038
What? No paxo? That's it then the whole thing is off :biggrin:


Not as funny as it seems. One member actually gave their main reason for going back as not being able to get a decent sausage in Oz. You don't see me going on about sausages all the time. :biglaugh:





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Not as funny as it seems. One member actually gave their main reason for going back as not being able to get a decent sausage in Oz. You don't see me going on about sausages all the time. :biglaugh:








All I can say is they have never been to a Bunnings sausage sizzle as they say in my old UK neck of the woods " Gert Lush" Brilliant picture!

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All I can say is they have never been to a Bunnings sausage sizzle as they say in my old UK neck of the woods " Gert Lush" Brilliant picture!


Love the picture, they could have gone to a British butcher, there is usually one not to far away. Might have been more expensive but the relocation costs would have bought a lot of sausages! :mask::no::skeptical:

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