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The reality thread


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So glad we made it Perth now but would still love to experience QLD and Adelaide and Tassie, the others I could take or leave at the mo..(all based on my perceptions of the places I have to say)

:cry: :cry:You don't wanna experience beautiful Melbourne? You'd be missing a treat.

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Guest fabulous
Just want to know if anyone who has made the move to Australia agrees with the following statements, from what I have read over the past few months this seems to be the conclusion of most threads:


The UK and Australia are different, not better or worse than each other. Both have lots to offer.


You only realise what you did or didn’t have when you leave the UK.


Some people are just not suited to living in Australia and shouldn’t feel bad if they don’t like it.


If you have the opportunity it is worth giving it a go.


The amount you earn compared to the UK will decide whether the cost of living is higher or lower than the UK.



Finding your happy place in life is more important than the sunshine.


Leaving friends and family is hard on everyone and shouldn’t be dismissed as a factor when deciding to move away.


Everyone has a different experience of Australia and their opinions should be taken as examples of how life could turn out good or bad not how it will turn out.


You really need to be prepared for anything when moving to Australia and take a double dose of reality before getting on the plane.


Feel free to add anymore that may help to give a clear picture of Australia to those looking to migrate.


The reason I post this is that all my friends in the UK and Ireland assume that everyone is better off in Australia and have no worries and they are all living in the worst place in earth.


I agree! i have only been here since october but I feel like its home as i didnt come with the impression that the world still works the same in another country. however i think some people come out here and expect it to be the same as england and they dont even give it a chance and over stupid things like not being able to buy a certain brand at the supermarket. (i havent found anything i cant get over here) i also think people think its all bbq's and beach life but like you say everyone still has to work!

however i have found that the more you interact with the locals the more you feel at home. we have met so many nice people that invite us round and treat us like family.

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I just want to add one thing. Comparing the UK to OZ on any topic including housing and jobs is like comparing Apples and Oranges. I like them both but at the minute Oranges are tasting a little better. Some day I may prefer Apples again so dont want to say anything bad about them. But please dont try and make your Orange into an Apple it just wont work.

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:cry: :cry:You don't wanna experience beautiful Melbourne? You'd be missing a treat.


be quiet !!!!!!!!!! :mad:


before you know it Melbourne will be full of bloody Poms just like WA :wink:


(its our little secret, and lets try to keep it that way)

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