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Moving to Oz on partner's Visa


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Hey everyone, we're new to this site and have a number of queries.


I'm a 31 year old boilermaker welder and have previously worked in WA on mines during my working holiday a few years ago. I have decided after a couple years back in the UK that its time to head back to sunnier climes and am planning a move back to WA with my fiance and her daughter.

Could anyone advise as to whether or not my fiance and daughter could join me in Oz if I applied for a skilled visa? We have only lived together for a short period of time and would therefore not have a years worth of bank statements etc to prove our cohabitation but we are engaged to be married - would this have any bearing on the application, i.e. would we still need to provide a years worth of statements etc?

We would be very grateful for any advise.


Thank you.

(Ps We are of course aware that we would need biological father's consent to move her daughter over)

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Marriage would eliminate the 12 month criterion.


Your partner would still have to satisfy the other applicable criteria, which vary with visa class.


You do not necessarily need the consent of the non-custodial parent.


You would be well advised to discuss your possible options with a registered migration agent.

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Hi, thanks for your response.


I am unfortunately getting conflicting advice and am now very confused!


I have spoken to "Visas for Australia" who tell me that regardless whether your engaged, married etc you still have to provide evidence that you have lived together for the past 12 months - is this actually the case? Does anyone know, please?


The cost of living in the UK is such that on our wages we would struggle to co-habit. As much as the cost of living in Oz is not comparibly that much lower if at all, the income prospects would be much greater and therefore co-habitation would be much more affordable and a better start to married lives together. Obviously if we need to struggle in the UK for the next 12 months we would as a means to an end but is there any way around this?


Still confused...... :err:

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No of you are married you provide evidence of your relationship and you would be expected to be living together post marriage. Not everyone can live together 12 months pre marriage for many reasons.


How would living together cost more? Surely it would cost less than paying two lots of bills, two lots of rent etc etc.

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Benefits my dear girl, that a single parent would be entitled to and a couple would not.



Hmmm figured,


OT but wonder if the OP knows that claiming to be single and claiming single parent benefits is benefit fraud. If two people live apart but are comitted in as much they plan to marry then they are a couple and should declare it as such to the DWP, Tax Credits etc.

They should also check out living costs and wages in Aus as they may be in for a shock and not a great way to start life in Aus by comitting benefit fraud there.


Climbiung down off my high horse now :biggrin:

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Exactly! Unfortunately This country doesn't help those that wanna help themselves. At the moment my partner works part time and gets help with housing etc as a single parent. It's not ideal at all and would much rather be living with my fiance but then saving for visas etc would be near on impossible but, again, if its a means to an end we would have to do it. We're just conscious that we really need to get out to Oz whilst my job sector is crying out for employees, we don't want to miss the boat.

As we are engaged how much and what evidence do we need to prove of the legitimacy of our relationship? Does anyone know?

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Exactly! Unfortunately This country doesn't help those that wanna help themselves. At the moment my partner works part time and gets help with housing etc as a single parent. It's not ideal at all and would much rather be living with my fiance but then saving for visas etc would be near on impossible but, again, if its a means to an end we would have to do it. We're just conscious that we really need to get out to Oz whilst my job sector is crying out for employees, we don't want to miss the boat.

As we are engaged how much and what evidence do we need to prove of the legitimacy of our relationship? Does anyone know?

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Shel your absolutely right but only if we were financially dependent on one another and i actually helped with bills etc, I dont, I live at home with my father and my fiance lives alone with her daughter paying all bills herself. This is far from ideal and is a large part of the reason that we want to move to Oz so that we can afford to live together and start a married life on the right foot. Again, if it means living together and being skint for the next 12 months plus then we would absolutely do it but if there was another way of doing it, who wouldnt look in to finding it?

Which visa to apply for? We have no idea.

In order to not completely miss the boat with available jobs in my sector it could also mean me getting out there whilst the demand is there and my finace coming over later - there's a great deal to look in to but I'm sure we'll get there in the end....hopefully!

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They should also check out living costs and wages in Aus as they may be in for a shock and not a great way to start life in Aus by comitting benefit fraud there.


We're not commiting it now and certainly would not be claiming in Oz. My earning potential in Oz is a great deal higher. Having worked and lived in Oz before I am more than aware of the living costs out there are am very much going in to this with eyes wide open.

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