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Hung oz parliment predicted! Will this help the exchange rate?

mr luvpants

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Guest guest36187

At the moment they are all reporting different thigns


Channel 9 saying it is 67 seats each

ABC say 69 seats each

SBS say 70 ALP 66 Coalition

Channel 7 say same as SBS

Sky say ALP 70 Coalition 68


Who do you believe?

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Guest chris955

There has certainly been talk of a hung parliament here, doesn't seem likely now but was a real possibility early on.


haha funny how the bbc reports stuff they've not mentioned over here... tis all bull****, no hung poo here
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So how do people think this will affect the exchange rate?





Hi John, all the talk before the british election seemed to indicate that a hung parliament would be real bad for the pounds exchange rate, so i can only assume it will now be the same for the aussi doller:unsure: i'm no expert mate, it just seems logical.

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BBC News - Australia count begins after tight election race


Wonder how this will affect the £ to $ exchange rate?





Well mate i have been speaking to a friend who works in the mile and he reckons on trading Mon that you possibly could get 1.87AUS to 1GBP...


He is normally pretty good or he wouldnt have the bloody big house he has got..


Me Im in the poo if the SMP's dont come out with me on them as a Gen Plumber....


But the money will change and when it does im going to buy as much AUS Dollar as i can afford... as when all the goverment has finished sorting itself out the rate will stabilize...


Time To buy i think when and if it gets to 1.85AUS/1GBP.


Cheers Nick..:jimlad:

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Guest nicola1234

Lets hope so - only temporarily - just enough time for it to hit my 1.8 rate so I can change my money finally. Then I hope it stabilises quickly - had enough bad luck over here with the recession etc.

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generally you would expect to see the AU dollar weaken with a hung parliment because it takes much longer to pass legislation through parliment and react to economic conditions in these circumstances. however i suspect it still won't get to anywhere near what it used to be until the UK interest rates rise and that itsn't expected until May 2011...so i reckon any change will be short term while the gov't sorts itself out.

if you need the money in the short term the next few days could be the best time to exchange,but you'd be better of waiting until summer 2011 if you can!


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