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Sydney in August


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This post carries a 'green with envy' health warning!


A note from KatherineSarah has reminded me to post something on my arrival.


The 5 of us arrived on Tuesday 10th of August after what I consider to be the best pair of flights to get you from Glasgow to Sydney (EK028 and EK414). Met by both sisters-in-law and transported back to in-laws for a couple of nights. Weather: cold and Scotland-like (drizzle/mist).


After wakeful sleep, we arose on Wednesday and took our kids to enrol and see their new primary school. Lovely - it really whetted their appetite and they couldn't wait to start the next Monday.


We also attempted to get Medicare cards sorted out, but the bureaucracy got the better of us and had to complete that task the next day, along with getting UNSW driving licences (we opted for 5 years - talk about commitment!).:laugh:So that was Thursday.


Friday we went to meet the family we are house sitting for. Lovely family, lovely house, only downside is the old cat who we have to clean up after.


Saturday and Sunday we spent doing things with OH's family - two sisters and associated kids. Very nice.


Monday - take kids to school for first day - no problems. They came home wanting to go back the next day. I started my new job. A few teething problems but nothing that can't be sorted. Commute is 1 hr 20mins each way. A bit of a drag but you can't beat a trip across the Harbour Bridge every day. 20 minutes is walking so that counts as multi-tasking for a bloke - commmute plus exercise all rolled up into one. :biglaugh:


Since then we have settled into a routine of sorts. Some initial house hunting (gulp!) and car invistigations (we currently have the use of the house-sit car so in no hurry). $10k will get you a 10 yo family-sized car, $20k will get you a 3yo family sized car.


We have been very lucky. Both of my sisters-in-law have been instrumental in sorting out accommodation, schools, school uniforms, transport which i am so grateful for, and there are many in the local community where we are staying that have been generous, helpful and understanding. I do feel a little guilty knowing that many others on PIO have loads of stuff to sort out when you get here - most of this has been laid out on a plate for us.


Now, back to the weather, since arriving the sun has been out. Today, it feels like mid-20s at lunch time. Quality. Cold at night though - I even wore my woolly hat one evening. (The OH questioned why I packed it!)


Prices. Toothbrushes are expensive. Be warned. And jam and school shoes ($70 a pair). Public transport for my commute is cheap ($48/week) compared to my old commute.


We got a $10 2 cent/minute to the UK calling card and 2 $10 Virgin Home Made simpacks. We have had the luxury of using others Broadband - I'm told Optus is worth looking at $80 month, 5GB, line rental and local calls included.


Not much else to report at this stage. Container is sailing up the Med, hopefully not on the outside of the vessel where it could fall off!


Good luck to all of you moving shortly. Hats off to you!



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Guest sunnyday

Wow Fleabo you landed on your feet with your rellies!! Stop being so soft about the cold, you're from Scotland man :laugh:

Glad its working out for you all :hug:

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Great post and welcome to Sydney!


It is a beautiful day today, isn't it. I just took the kids for a walk to the playground. Bright blue sky with the odd fluffy cloud, a bit breezy but a warm breeze, and I reckon about 25 degrees. I have already started developing a tan, despite the factor 30+! Not bad for winter!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick update for those that have asked - thanks Chickx.


Onto our third house sit. First house-sit had a cat, second had a rabbit, third has a dog. As someone mentioned on another thread, dog walking is a great way to meet new folks.


Kids happily settled in school. Band camp, baseball, footie, etc. all good. Sushi for school lunch on Thursday. They are enjoying feeding the Rosellas, King Parrots, Cockatoos and Lorikeets on the back deck in the morning.


We bought a new car (as if we can afford it) and are in the process of negotiating on a house purchase which we are excited about, and a little daunted (large mortgage that will see us working into our 70s). Container sails in to port next week hopefully in tact.


It has rained buckets here in Sydney today. Torrential. Like Scotland on a bad day. Other than that the weather has been good.


Most expensive beer: $9 for a bottle of Little Creatures Bright.

Cheapest beer: $4 at the local footie club.


Worst part so far: goodbyes at the airport.

Best part: The Roosters come back on Saturday night in the footie.

Funniest: Listening to the drivel estate agents tell you.

Sausages: Rubbish

Bacon: Good



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Please enlighten me as to where you can get GOOD bacon !!!!!!!

I have been here for 19/20 months and am still looking........................


Hope everything goes well for you and yours....




Thanks Gill. The local butcher does some good bacon cuts, but his sausages are rubbish and I've told him that (as I left the shop). Wife insisted on feeding me chicken sausages this evening. Complete guff - but I am just whinging now so will shut up.:wubclub:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another quick update. I will keep it short and sweet as I can't hope to keep up with Pontepom/Howard who is doing a great job of a more difficult move than ours!


In the last two weeks we have bought a house and the OH landed a job. We just now need to settle on the house and have the container delivered. We will then have completed phase 1! Not sure what phase 2 is yet...


We have also just concluded forexing the remainder of our equity (at $1.64). Does it hurt? No, not at all. I thought it would but at the end of they day it pays for a part of our new home and as hard as you try you can't wish the exchange rate higher that it is when you need the money.


Also, found what would be a nice pork sausage at Woolies - if they could only just remove the fennel and chili from the mix!:wink:


Kids are happy as Larry, as is the OH. I'm just a miserable Scot so no change there then.:jiggy:



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