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Waiting for a yes to job

Louise & Nick

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does anyone know how long aussies take to offer you a job. My OH had interview in april they said that they would let him know in 2 - 3 weeks. Nearly 10 weeks later we are still waiting to hear. The job offer would come from the local goverment. Please if anyone has an idea on lenght of time this woud be good as i am tearing my hair out waiting.:arghh:

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Ah okay, well it's a bit unfair for you to be kept waiting so long - but they know they can get away with it because of the position you are in! No I don't, perhaps you could ask this in a seperate thread to get some sort of idea? Good luck, I hope you hear back from them soon!

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I know what you mean, he email the recruitment officer 3 weeks ago and she said that they had not made a decision. They asked for all references they needed. Do you know of many people who secured jobs before they went out to australia.

I got a job before I went out. It can be done but it isn't easy. In my case, it took several weeks between the positive vibes and the actual offer.


If the job is public sector then I wouldn't read anything into not hearing anything. The process of following up references for all candidates can be time consuming and there are then heaps of approvals that are needed before the job offer can be given. This can take a great deal of time too. If they have told your OH that they are going to offer him the job then they won't be offering it to anyone else - the worst that would happen is they decide not to appoint at all. But the chances are, it is all still on track but tied up in red tape. If they had bad news for you, they would have told you.


Best of luck.

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Thanks for that, he has applied for other jobs in the meantime but its the wait that does your head in. I am ready just for going over and seeing what happens, but it could all end in tears. My OH says we should be patient but the waiting is killing me.


Love Louise X:arghh:

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