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Medicals, front loading, and the 47SP spouse visa


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Hey guys,


Just getting to the end of all the forms and the compiling/listing of evidence before we parcel it all up and post it in.


We've just asked a few friends for their "supporting witness statements", so have a few weeks to wait for those. So we thought about front loading the other stuff.


So the questions, when people "front load" this meds and police checks, how do the medical people pass you info on, if you haven't actually applied yet? What's the process?


Can the supporting witness statements come from people in the same family? We've a few friends who have already emmigrated, but they are all the same family.


Also, what did the Australian in the spouse visa application, write as a statement for their "sponsorship obligations"?


Thanks, any help will be very appreciated!


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So the questions, when people "front load" this meds and police checks, how do the medical people pass you info on, if you haven't actually applied yet? What's the process?


Your medicals get sent to Australia House by the panel doctor and wait for the rest of the application. You attach send your police certificate in with your application and evidence. Simple as that :smile:


Can the supporting witness statements come from people in the same family? We've a few friends who have already emmigrated, but they are all the same family.


It doesn't matter that the stat decs are from the same family. But depending on your circumstance and length of relationship, you might not need that many. I had my mother, my partner's mum and a friend that knew us when we got together.


Also, what did the Australian in the spouse visa application, write as a statement for their "sponsorship obligations"?

We didn't write anything! Seriously.. Write whatever the truth is? Will you be staying with his/her family when you get to Aus? Do you both intend to get jobs? Are there any savings?

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Excellent, cheers for the comments.


I'm the Aussie (and the Mr) and don't really dig filling in forms. So that's all good.


We've asked a mate (best men) who emmigrated 5 years ago, to be one 888, and a friend who is doing the same on NZ to be another. Then we'll get a few friends and family in the UK to do them too.


We got married in Perth in Jan, and are now trying to get back out there asap.

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