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Driving & Jobs


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New to this site. Application in and waiting for news. Looking for info on driving in WA - anything special we need to do. Also hubby electronics engineer does anyone know the job situation Freemantle/Rockingham/Mandurah suburbs/areas.

Thanks :D

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I am an electronics Technician


Arrived in Perth June 2007

Saturday is the best day for job adverts


There were over 30 pages of jobs

60% Building trades

20% Mining Industry

19.9 % the rest

And only 2 electronics jobs in my trade so I moved Melbourne.


When I first arrived I was warned that I would find it difficult getting a job in Electronics.

You may find job straight away but do not be surprised if it takes a bit longer

I have had a temp Electrical Technician's job still looking for permenant job.


I am seriously considering retraining in IT.

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New to this site. Application in and waiting for news. Looking for info on driving in WA - anything special we need to do. Also hubby electronics engineer does anyone know the job situation Freemantle/Rockingham/Mandurah suburbs/areas.

Thanks :D


Getting a Western Australian Driving Licence.

Is fairly straight forward if you have a U.K Licence.


I did not even have to take a written test although

This must depend on the number of years you have been driving in the U.K

It costs 116 Dollars for a 5 Year Licence.

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New to this site. Application in and waiting for news. Looking for info on driving in WA - anything special we need to do. Also hubby electronics engineer does anyone know the job situation Freemantle/Rockingham/Mandurah suburbs/areas.

Thanks :D



We drive on the same side of the road as you do over in the UK. Drivers in WA are nowhere near as courteous as they are in the UK............. and round-a-bouts are most definitely not for the feint hearted.


RAC membership is worthwhile and is seemingly good value for money.


Jobs are plentiful in the areas you mention........... but not 100% sure re Electronics Engineers............ I'm sure before too long an electonics person will come along and put you in the picture re job prospects along that line?


Good luck with your application for visas and what have you............. apparently you have a lot of red tape ahead and several hoops to jump through........... but you can glean lots of useful info from members on this site who have been in exactly the same situation you will find yourselves in. You will no doubt come across many obstacles along the way........... the main thing being you mustn't give in. It will be well worth the long wait once you do reach WA.



Good luck

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This is a very old thread and was posted by me in the 'old days' before I arrived in lovely Perth, I have no idea how it got bumped up. I've had a driving instructor cut right across two lanes in front of me and write off the car I was driving, and my hubby was taken off the road from behind by a trans perth bus (laugh about it now 'cos he's ok but it was potentially a very serious accident) - so we feel well and trully orientated to driving here - just bought some crash helmets and a tank.


Thanks for your kind words bob, if I was a newbie it would have been really helpful.



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This is a very old thread and was posted by me in the 'old days' before I arrived in lovely Perth, I have no idea how it got bumped up. I've had a driving instructor cut right across two lanes in front of me and write off the car I was driving, and my hubby was taken off the road from behind by a trans perth bus (laugh about it now 'cos he's ok but it was potentially a very serious accident) - so we feel well and trully orientated to driving here - just bought some crash helmets and a tank.


Thanks for your kind words bob, if I was a newbie it would have been really helpful.




oops did not check the date of the origonal posting :goofy:

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