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I have just sat my IELTS for the second time today. Amazed to hear from other candidates the number of nurses not getting the required band score of 7 (I thought I was the only one)and therefore not getting regestered. I believe there are nurses from Ireland and UK working in hotels, bars etc because they cannot complete ther Oz Reg. What a disgrace. I also heard that the ANMC may be dropping this requirment. Its a pointless money spinning scam. Has anybody got any further info on this?

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Guest scally wag

I would be interested in this as well!


I have not spoke about it to many people at home so I am going to use this as a rant! Sorry, need to get it off my chest.


Everyone at home thought it was a joke! I explained to friends and family how serious it was and that it would not be a walk in the park. So as friends and family were having a laugh at my expense, saying you will breeze it etc, I knew deep down it really was not going to be like that! As friends and family were poo pooing it, I felt even more pressure to pass!


I sat the IELTS on Saturday in Leeds. Although parts of it were very easy, there were eliments of the exam (reading last part) that were quite tricky and I am very woried this will be the down fall for me. It was very stressful and I felt enourmous pressure to pass so I can work in Oz and help support my family. If I do not reach the required band I feel its because I felt so much pressure rather than the actual exam itself. I find the whole thing very odd. It clearly was never designed for a person who's first language is English, the format is awful and segmented. Getting your head around the format is a skill in itself! I did however really feel for the other people sitting the test who's first language is not english.


I have had the visa (since 08) Yet if I do not pass at the required band I will not be able to work as a nurse (9 years of experiance down the drain?) Its tragic that nurses are working in bars and hotel work because they are unable to get the required band. Many nurses are not accademic, but have fantastic practical skills and can think logically and quckly in very stressful sitiualtions, often life and death! The fact that most nurses have a degree, masters etc should be enough to prove they have a good command of the english language. Yet the optial flying lens of a bumble bee seems more important! (yes, really that was part of the exam)


I really can understand that nurses need very good communication skills, written and oral, but proving it through IELTS is not the way.


I hope the nursing board scrap it totaly, then nurses can get on with what they are good at, working! Not writting essays on bumble bees!!


We shall see what happens when I get my results !!



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I would be interested in this as well!


I have not spoke about it to many people at home so I am going to use this as a rant! Sorry, need to get it off my chest.


Everyone at home thought it was a joke! I explained to friends and family how serious it was and that it would not be a walk in the park. So as friends and family were having a laugh at my expense, saying you will breeze it etc, I knew deep down it really was not going to be like that! As friends and family were poo pooing it, I felt even more pressure to pass!


I sat the IELTS on Saturday in Leeds. Although parts of it were very easy, there were eliments of the exam (reading last part) that were quite tricky and I am very woried this will be the down fall for me. It was very stressful and I felt enourmous pressure to pass so I can work in Oz and help support my family. If I do not reach the required band I feel its because I felt so much pressure rather than the actual exam itself. I find the whole thing very odd. It clearly was never designed for a person who's first language is English, the format is awful and segmented. Getting your head around the format is a skill in itself! I did however really feel for the other people sitting the test who's first language is not english.


I have had the visa (since 08) Yet if I do not pass at the required band I will not be able to work as a nurse (9 years of experiance down the drain?) Its tragic that nurses are working in bars and hotel work because they are unable to get the required band. Many nurses are not accademic, but have fantastic practical skills and can think logically and quckly in very stressful sitiualtions, often life and death! The fact that most nurses have a degree, masters etc should be enough to prove they have a good command of the english language. Yet the optial flying lens of a bumble bee seems more important! (yes, really that was part of the exam)


I really can understand that nurses need very good communication skills, written and oral, but proving it through IELTS is not the way.


I hope the nursing board scrap it totaly, then nurses can get on with what they are good at, working! Not writting essays on bumble bees!!


We shall see what happens when I get my results !!




Hi there. I am due to do the IELTS test on 20th May for the first time, and not looking forward to it at all!!!!! I have had my visa since December of last year and again cannot work until I pass the English Exam. I would be very interested to hear if anyone does know if it will be scrapped!!!! It is a ridiculous exam!!!!! As you say, writing essays about Bumble Bees and knowing about Pie Charts does not mean that a nurse can do her job. Catherine

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Guest nevergiveup


It is only posts lke yours that keep me going.

I sat my Ielts test on sat for the 5th time ( how bad is that). Whilst i was there i was speaking to a pharamist ,an educated gentleman with a PHD. He to could not believe how dis- jointed the reading section was.

This test needs addressing .....I cannot pass it.

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It is only posts lke yours that keep me going.

I sat my Ielts test on sat for the 5th time ( how bad is that). Whilst i was there i was speaking to a pharamist ,an educated gentleman with a PHD. He to could not believe how dis- jointed the reading section was.

This test needs addressing .....I cannot pass it.


I will not be able to afford to pay to do this test 5 times!!!!! The sooner the boards scrap this test the better!!!

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Guest scally wag
Hi there. I am due to do the IELTS test on 20th May for the first time, and not looking forward to it at all!!!!! I have had my visa since December of last year and again cannot work until I pass the English Exam. I would be very interested to hear if anyone does know if it will be scrapped!!!! It is a ridiculous exam!!!!! As you say, writing essays about Bumble Bees and knowing about Pie Charts does not mean that a nurse can do her job. Catherine


Hi Catherine,


Please do not be put off by my post! I hope it has not made you even more apprehensive! I am sure if you have studied and looked at the format and worked it out you should in theory by okay. The bumble bee thing was part of the listening aspect.


If I can reasure you. I have read SO many negative things on IELTS, people taking it for the 5th time etc. I was SO wound up about it. IMHO it is really not that difficult accademically. Its just plain odd and time is against you.


Its the very fact that the results of it mean job or no job is where the stress starts IMO. Most of us have a positive skills assessment by the Oz nursing board. Some of us have the bloody visa. Yet if I went to Oz tomorrow I could not work as a nurse? It really does not make sense.


I do feel really stongly about the IELTS. I do not mean it to come across as I am to big for my boots. The IELTS does have a purpose. One nurse on another forum got a real slating for saying she found it degrading sitting the IELTS. I didn't jump to her defense, I should have done though. I didn't find it degrading, but I think I know what she means. They advertise for nurses to come, show lovely photos, put the whole spin on it, yet they have nurses there who cannot pass the ielts working in bars! Its crazy. The australian government have given the visa for what? They either want nurses or they do not.


If I fail this IELTS I won't have time to resit here, therefore I will have to resit in Oz. Will I be one of those nurses cleaning or working in a bar to support her family ? wtf !!



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Hi again. I have had a job offer since Sept/Oct of last year!!!! And received the Visa in December. I simply cannot afford go over to Australia until I am registered and that means passing the IELTS!!! I have a family to support and I do not think working in a bar would enable me to do this. It just does not make sense, as you said, they are crying out for nurses/midwives etc, but make it so difficult for us to actually do the job!!! And by the way, you DID NOT come across as too big for your boots, you feel exactly the same as the rest of us feel!!!!! Catherine

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Guest scally wag

It is only posts lke yours that keep me going.

I sat my Ielts test on sat for the 5th time ( how bad is that). Whilst i was there i was speaking to a pharamist ,an educated gentleman with a PHD. He to could not believe how dis- jointed the reading section was.

This test needs addressing .....I cannot pass it.


OHH my, its awful. I really feel for you. Yes I found the reading section (last bit) the most difficult! This will also be my down fall I feel!


Keep your chin up, we can all support each other on here.


When are you sitting it again ? The IELTS is a ****ter! It such a confidence knocker, Shame on the AMNC! Do they get any of the money?? I would love to debate this!

I bet you are a fantastic nurse!


C x

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Guest SunshineSmile

Hi Guys,


Im with you all the way. What an absolute insult to native speakers that were educated from day 1 in the English language, to have to prove your ability to speak, write, read and listen competantly in your own language.

However i feel compelled to point out the reason for IELTS in the first place is to stop nurses that do have the Australian equivalent in nurse training from whatever country they trained in, but do not have the language skills to match.

I have experience working with Eastern European nurses where their language ability is not up to the standard it should be, to safely and competantly practise as a registered nurse in an English speaking country.

I believe that that is why the ANMC brought in the mandatory dreaded IELTS.

It would seem to me to be absolutely simple, and whats more, fair to bring in a clause that if you were educated in English and hold a degree or diploma in Nursing that was taught to you in English.. its bloody obvious your language competancy is excellent.. SURELY :realmad: .. then you should not have to sit IELTS.

I was told that the reason everyone has to sit it was to avoid cries of discrimination!!! how ridiculous is that.

I wonder if enough complaints were made to ANMC than they would have to revise this ridiculous rule. Perhaps it really is just a money spinner?

I sat it myself and got 8.5 but i came out of the exam feeling it could have gone either way and i did feel the whole structure was really "strange" and geared as you all say to non native speakers.. that in and of itself is weird.. why structure an exam to suit non native speakers if what your trying to assess is their competancy in that language in the first place ???????? :wacko:

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Guest scally wag
Hi Guys,


Im with you all the way. What an absolute insult to native speakers that were educated from day 1 in the English language, to have to prove your ability to speak, write, read and listen competantly in your own language.

However i feel compelled to point out the reason for IELTS in the first place is to stop nurses that do have the Australian equivalent in nurse training from whatever country they trained in, but do not have the language skills to match.

I have experience working with Eastern European nurses where their language ability is not up to the standard it should be, to safely and competantly practise as a registered nurse in an English speaking country.

I believe that that is why the ANMC brought in the mandatory dreaded IELTS.

It would seem to me to be absolutely simple, and whats more, fair to bring in a clause that if you were educated in English and hold a degree or diploma in Nursing that was taught to you in English.. its bloody obvious your language competancy is excellent.. SURELY :realmad: .. then you should not have to sit IELTS.

I was told that the reason everyone has to sit it was to avoid cries of discrimination!!! how ridiculous is that.

I wonder if enough complaints were made to ANMC than they would have to revise this ridiculous rule. Perhaps it really is just a money spinner?

I sat it myself and got 8.5 but i came out of the exam feeling it could have gone either way and i did feel the whole structure was really "strange" and geared as you all say to non native speakers.. that in and of itself is weird.. why structure an exam to suit non native speakers if what your trying to assess is their competancy in that language in the first place ???????? :wacko:

Great post!


I agree with all you say!

I know there are a few theads on IELTS and it seems WE all are fed up with it. If it was around nursing issues, exams etc then bring it on, test me, ask me about drip rates, ethics, code of conduct, communication skills, MDT working, policy making, clinical judgement etc. Just dont ask me again about bummble bees! (although there honey is good for wounds lol)

C x

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Totally agree!!


I failed academic IELTS on reading part score 6.5, the next test is now not till 10th July in Manchester. We also have our 176 as I got my skills tested prior to the changes on 1 July 2009. I only realised a few months ago about IELTS. So now I am excited about the visa but totally fed up at the thought of sitting it again, more stress and more money!! Was hoping to book our flights but will have to wait now till I have passed the dam thing!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just sat my IELTS test (for the first time), notice I said for the first time? The test was awful, so I am totally preparing myself that I will be doing it again. Am feeling so down about it all, it means that I will have to wait 2 weeks for the result and then reapply, which means that I will have to wait another few months before I can actually resit the exam. I have my visa in order, and need the test before I can register as a midwife. I am not being totally negative about the test, just realistic.

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Hi, Im for scrapping the bloody thing!!! iv taken it 3 times now first 2 failed on the reading 6.5 all others good passes then last time passed the reading and got a 6.5 on the writing. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR :arghh:awaiting a remark!! born and bread in England (slight brummie accent but please dont hold that against me) lol... iv spent a £1000 on fees, ielts, getting paperwork copied, verified etc and getting nowhere!! Please somebody make me take no more ielts!!!

Lisa :heart_head_crying_t

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Hi, Im for scrapping the bloody thing!!! iv taken it 3 times now first 2 failed on the reading 6.5 all others good passes then last time passed the reading and got a 6.5 on the writing. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR :arghh:awaiting a remark!! born and bread in England (slight brummie accent but please dont hold that against me) lol... iv spent a £1000 on fees, ielts, getting paperwork copied, verified etc and getting nowhere!! Please somebody make me take no more ielts!!!

Lisa :heart_head_crying_t


Hopefully, you will get the right result with the remark. I don't think that I will be asking for any remarks - will just be doing it again. Seriously, the reading aspect is just awful!!!! If the Australian Govt want to stop people from going to Australia then by bringing in the IELTS, they have gone the right way about it!!!! Lisa, hope you enjoy LA and Las Vegas, wish I had the money to book a holiday to cheer myself up, but I have spent it all on fees, ielts, getting paperwork copied, verified etc...... LOL

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Guest scally wag

Just thought I would let you all know passed the ielts ! L 8 R 7 W 7 S 8.5 - SO OVER ALL 7.5


Good luck to anyone whose waiitng or sitting, thanks for everyones help, this forum and the other IELTS (nuring threads) have been fantastic!

Ask away if anyone wants any help, will if I can !



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Just thought I would let you all know passed the ielts ! L 8 R 7 W 7 S 8.5 - SO OVER ALL 7.5


Good luck to anyone whose waiitng or sitting, thanks for everyones help, this forum and the other IELTS (nuring threads) have been fantastic!

Ask away if anyone wants any help, will if I can !



Fantastic results - well done and congratulations!!

I'm taken mine again for the 2nd time on 11 July



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Just thought I would let you all know passed the ielts ! L 8 R 7 W 7 S 8.5 - SO OVER ALL 7.5


Good luck to anyone whose waiitng or sitting, thanks for everyones help, this forum and the other IELTS (nuring threads) have been fantastic!

Ask away if anyone wants any help, will if I can !






I took mine on 20th May - and will be resitting sometime soon. When I officially get my results to bring the bad news I hope you don't mind giving me a helping hand..... will need all the help I can get!!!! Catherine:arghh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to all who sat the dreaded IELTS exam, how did you get on? Thankfully I passed it second time around. I tell my friends that I can now speak English as a foreign language!!!

Still waiting on my registration. What a performance that is. They keep asking for more and more documents. What I don't understand is if Irish and English nursing qualifications are recognised in OZ why do they need copies of all our training records. Plus the cost of getting them signed and witnessed.

Don't know when I'll get to OZ as I am over 45! and need an employer sponsored visa. Very difficult to get what I want within my area of nursing expertise. I shall keep trying.

If they are so desperate for nurses and midwives why are they making it so difficult.

Any employer out there looking for a very experienced nurse/midwife in Women's Health. IVF and Colposcopy!!!


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Just sat my IELTS test (for the first time), notice I said for the first time? The test was awful, so I am totally preparing myself that I will be doing it again. Am feeling so down about it all, it means that I will have to wait 2 weeks for the result and then reapply, which means that I will have to wait another few months before I can actually resit the exam. I have my visa in order, and need the test before I can register as a midwife. I am not being totally negative about the test, just realistic.


I had typed the above following the IELTS on 20th May........ I was feeling so low after the exam and had myself convinced that I would be resitting the exam. But to my amazement, I actually passed !!!!!!!!! with an average of 8 !!!!! Still keep checking the certificate every once in a while just to make sure it is correct. :yes:

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I would love if the IELTS is to be scrapped, I am doing a degree at the moment but am dyslexic and its a nightmare to think that I might fall at the final hurdle and not be able to practise in Oz. If I was to fail the IELTs, it would mean that there would be no point in us (me, the man and 3 smaller people) moving to Oz, so the pressure is on for me!!! ARGH.



Think its so mad that if we are able to pass a degree in English surely we will be able to practice in Oz.



Good luck to all you who are about to take the test.



If anyone hears any more on the possible scraping please post.



Many thanks



Tina x

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Guest welshgirl25

Hey to all who are needing to pass ielts, I sat it three times and managed to pass (thank god). I needed 7 in all four componants, the first 6.5 in the reading so the second time I spent more time on this section and got 6.5 for writting.

I believe you will all do it in the end, I also travelled around the country to do it. So chin up to you all. I am awaiting approval of my visa, house sold, job offer.


Good luck to you all:biggrin:

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Well done bryansc, it IS unbelievable when you pass, I think a lot of it is luck. I too hope to relocate to Melbourne. I spent a couple of weeks there after Christmas. Loved it. I have one son living in Alice Springs. He loves the place. My other son, wife and 3 children are waiting for their Visa.


Tina, My advise to you is to contact the centre you are planning to sit the exam and tell them you are dyslexic, see what they suggest. There must be some way of getting around that, sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to get the advice you need. It would be discriminatory if they don't have a procedure to cater for your needs. Maybe there are others who have the same problem they might let you know what they did. Interesting one, let us know what you find out. Good Luck.

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I would love if the IELTS is to be scrapped, I am doing a degree at the moment but am dyslexic and its a nightmare to think that I might fall at the final hurdle and not be able to practise in Oz. If I was to fail the IELTs, it would mean that there would be no point in us (me, the man and 3 smaller people) moving to Oz, so the pressure is on for me!!! ARGH.



Think its so mad that if we are able to pass a degree in English surely we will be able to practice in Oz.



Good luck to all you who are about to take the test.



If anyone hears any more on the possible scraping please post.


Hi Tina.


I was speaking to one of the co-ordinators for the IELTS here in N.Ireland, and she told me that the Boards are having a big meeting sometime in July. Think they will be discussing bringing together the boards, but she thought they might be discussing the IELTS..... so fingers crossed.:arghh:

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Many thanks MKF, will ask when I book my test, I do get extra time for exams now which comes in handy. Might just have to take it a few more times than everyone else but hope to get there in the end.


Thanks Bryansc, will wait until July and see what comes up.


PIO tops for info again, I love it!


Tina xxx

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Hi guys... being an overseas student living in Melbourne. I had to pass IELTS and I don't think getting a 7 in each module is too hard. i did that in my first attempt. But i really do question the authenticity of the scoring system. had to write IELTS again for migration purposes and was totally disappointed with a 6.5 in writing. This seems to be a money spinning propaganda to me. because of the inconsistent results i have got on my 3 attempts.

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