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proof of dependency for 19 year old....how?


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We have just lodged our visa application in Melbourne today for the ENS 856 visa. My wife is being sponsored, and our 19 year old daughter is over here with us. We are currently on a 457 visa.

Our daughter is totally dependent on us for all her needs, clothing food transport etc. She plans to go to university here once we have PR.

My question is.... if she is totally dependent on us, how do we prove it?

We are currently renting, she is not on the lease.

The bills are all in my name or my wife.

She has a bank account and we have a joint (family) medicare ambulance cover card.

Apart from that, I have a bank account that groans every time she needs new clothes or something, but I do not seperate the money I spend on her from that which my wife and I spend.

I just know that DIAC will ask for more proof of dependency

Does anyone have any ideas?:huh:

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Guest Guest31881



How does she get money in her bank account, can you show that she deposits money after you have taken it out of your account. Do you have any recepts for her clothing to show you paid, by debit or credit card? Can you match up any purchases she made with your bank account? She is not working so that should show you have to pay for her food, clothing and other living expenses.

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Thanks........ trouble is I did not keep receipts, they can have a copy of my bank statements, and I will happily fill in the blanks for them, but I still think they will want more!

I have been reading on here about a stat dec for couples looking to prove de facto.

Do you think this would be accepted?

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Guest Guest31881

Its hard to say what they would need as i have not been in that situation, I cannot see any harm in a stat dec. and highlighting items on your bank statements would help.

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The important thing is that she has been financially dependent on you since at least turning 18. So you need to outline her living arrangements and if not with you, evidence how much rent was paid and by whom. Assuming she has not been working since turning 18, you can show her bank statements to show this OR, if she has been working, you will need to show that her costs for living, feeding and clothing, are more than double what she has earned over a particular period. So do an expenditure outline and address all credits toher bank account statements.




Tony Coates

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Hi, My son is at college ( still is actually) when we applied for our visa. We sent a copy of his registration letter from college, a bank statement of his ,copy of his driving licence ( to prove he lives at the same address as us ) & we did a stat dec to say that we payed for his, clothes, food etc etc etc,& kept a roof over his head & had done this since he was born. They didn't ask us for any more proof. X

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