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Car salesmen taking the proverbial


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Just been into kia at bundoora looked at a 1.4 rio they want $13500 for it, said to sales man got a trade in (its quite a rough magna 94 plate about 8 months rego and rwc) and whats his best price he comes back and says 500 off for trade in I said is that the best price he mutters about finance I say no I'm paying cash he offers another $250 off. queue me looking a bit miffed and leaving and him loosing a sale. am I right to feel he's taking the p**s. Back home a car would be worth at least £500 trade in if it had an mot let alone tax.


Any recomendations for places where they've been treated with more than contempt by the sales staff. I'm after cheap and reliable so kia / hyundai that sort of thing. I don't do haggling and ask for a best price which is to me the best price they can do.

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My hubby would sympathise. He wanted to buy a $30000 car a couple of months ago, new from Hyundai, cash buyer. He has a 2004 plated Freelander. They offered him $3000. He told them where to stick it......


We still have the Freelander!!






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I think $500 is probably the best price, as the guys has to sell the car, make a profit and hope it doesn't come back and bite him on the arse. I work at Pickles Auctions and i think you'll do well to get anywhere near a grand. Best bet for you is to sell it on car sales or something similar. Your not going to get a good price for it. Your looking to get about $2k if you sell it private depending on the KMs and condition of the car. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news

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I bought a new Kia Sportage from Blackburn (Whitehorse Rd I think) It was a little short of $20k on the road price. It's a good little car really economical.


We found when looking for cars that if you can stretch a little bit more you can often have a new car for not much more. 2nd hand cars are so expensive!




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Guest golden grahams

Chris the Rio we got from Chadstone mitsubishi was 11,999 with all the cons, and no trade in, hope you are feeling better, i owe you a beer for your job, will give it to ya on Sunday



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what happens with the rego? can we take it out as you would car tax in the uk and get a proportion back from vic rds?


just thinking on what you said nick. about three weeks ago i put on $600 worth of rego. if the car is worth $500, the rego is worth more than the car!!

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Guest dpm31567

allways do a deal saying your taking finance

this way they think there getting commision on the finance therefore give a better deal on the motor

sign for the purchase first before hp then say you decided to use your own finance or cash

pisses them off but thats the way to go

my best man was a dealer and used to catch them all the time like this

if you feel you cant confront them there and then check if theres a cooling of period on the finance sign up go home and cancel it pay buy dd or kite

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