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Evans’ silent signal on immigration


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"The money line from Chris Evans this morning in announcing changes to the skilled migration program was that this was about “taking back control of our immigration program”.


From Crikey, explains well, Labor terrified of being outdone by conservatives on dog whistling issues of migration, population etc.


Obvious those responsible do not understand system well, and terrified of the electorate (read over 50s white Australia) .....


This a.m. Albury Wodonga newspaper, complaining not enough cooks.......


Australians may start opening their minds more when domestic TAFE and University fees increase dramatically next year with the former doubling..... due to decreasing students from Asia ...... their investment properties are empty due to less immigrants to rent ..... and as industry is already complaining, skill shortages already apparent....

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I felt sorry for the hairdresser students on telly last night, they have been told their visa's are cancelled and they have to leave their studies. I believe that once a visa is given, any commitment to those individuals should be honoured. To let someone believe they have a future in Australia and then take it away is just plain mean (putting it politely!).

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