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CV Writing Service - Any good ones?


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Never needed a CV before as been in same job for donkey's years, but worried that my recent attamept to do one is a loads of pooh!!!! :wacko:


I was thinking of using one of those CV Writing Service places that you come across on the Net & wondered if any of you peeps had used a decent one that you could recommend.



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I too have never needed a CV before, my teaching post I hold now is the one I got when I left uni 8 years ago.

Generally an Aussie CV should follow the format below



  1. Personal details
  2. Employment history - start with the current and end with the oldest. With each job give a brief description of the role and key responsibilities / skills
  3. Software knowledge - but be honest, don't make yourself out to be an ICT expert
  4. Education - start with the most recent and end with the oldest again
  5. Interests

A good CV should be concise but give plenty of ideas about you. It shouldn't be more then 2 A4 sides of paper (some say no more than 4)


I have written my own. I think that way when someone asks me a question about my CV I know I will be answering honestly because I have written it. To be honest, the money it would be costing could be spent elsewhere in the quest for a new life down under.



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Cheers all


Alex - Thanks for the link, having now looked at the examples on that site I think my own attempt is pretty damn good :biggrin: so I feel much better.


I have now decided I will just juggle about with what I done so far & save the dosh for spalshin out on that HUGE bottle of bubbly when our visa comes through. (much better idea I think !)



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My hubby had his done a few yrs ago and reckons it got him the job he has now. Dont know who he went to though, would have to ask him.

The one thing that they did which he hadnt done himself was to say how brill he was! Only a couple of lines but looks good.


I can email you a copy if you want.


Lynne, I've looked at yours and its very similar to Chris's, except the fact he's an engineer. lol.


Sam xx

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I've sent off the CV I did myself (did hubbies too) both accepted in Oz


If there is a selection criteria, try to write a little about each one to show that you could do the job, list any courses, workshops etc., that add to your knowledge


Good luck


Ali sign0111.gif

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  • 8 months later...
Guest hiram4556

Hi,I have never used CV writing sevice,instead I used the CV

templates and the tips to create a highly targeted CV for my job.It really worked for me .My CV caught the attention of the interviewer and finally I got a job!

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Guest pippycol



just look on the net for cv info type in curriculum vitae or resume and they will come up with loads you wi be able to complete one from the info you get on them rather that pay someone


good luck



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Guest colin&miche


we have just sent my husbands cv well resume as they call it in Australia to this company

CV Writing Services from The CV Centre it cost us £54.50, we dicided against having a cover note, that is an extra £7.


we are awaiting it in the post over the next few days, norally dispatched in 24hr of them recieving your order online, but they do say could be 72 hours if they canot contact you if they need to.

one of the reasons we had this done was we had a friend of a friend who owns his own company ia Australia and he asked for my husbands resume so he could send it on to someone he knows is desperate for fire alarm engineers/technician, and this person also owes him a few favours so he said he was in a good position to get hubby a job lol , anyways he e-mailed us back saying that my husbands resume was good but that without sounding rude that he thought it needed to be proffesionally looked at, not because it was so bad but because Australian resume's are set out differently to ours in the uk and other countries. so we have taken his advice and gone for it also the company is a very large worldwide company so they have a lot of top dogs to impress . so we thought well its a 1 off payment and what do we have to lose apart from 54 quid lol which is nothing if we can get a sponsor and then into Australia

anyway will let you know how we get on






p.s just wanted to say tha this company deal with migration resume's thats why we went through them and thats why we went for the whole package.

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My hubby had his done a few yrs ago and reckons it got him the job he has now. Dont know who he went to though, would have to ask him.

The one thing that they did which he hadnt done himself was to say how brill he was! Only a couple of lines but looks good.


I can email you a copy if you want.


Lynne, I've looked at yours and its very similar to Chris's, except the fact he's an engineer. lol.


Sam xx



Hi there sam my oh is trying to do his cv for australia and we are struggling abit. could you email a copy to me or the format employers like.

Thanks Joanne

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Guest gymtastic

hello samozsoon ..you live up ta rd from us we in that place called campbelltown mmm ..got my cv updated by a lovely lady .friend my hubby,s in bow bowing ....hi to all ..

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Hi there sam my oh is trying to do his cv for australia and we are struggling abit. could you email a copy to me or the format employers like.

Thanks Joanne



Hi Joanne


Sorry but at the moment my laptop is broke so I cant access Chris's CV (am on the kids one now!).

His CV was done in the UK for the UK job market and I just added a few things about having our visas and when we planned on moving etc, then just sent it with a covering letter to loads of jobs off Seek.com.au and careerone.com.au and he got lucky!


If you need anymore help then I'll try and remember what was in it, please PM me.

Good Luck


Sam x

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hello samozsoon ..you live up ta rd from us we in that place called campbelltown mmm ..got my cv updated by a lovely lady .friend my hubby,s in bow bowing ....hi to all ..



Hi to you too!


Have you been in Campbelltown long? We've been here 6 weeks today.


Sam x

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Guest gymtastic

14 mnths my new husband has lived here 22yrs ..mont annan very nice area ..we are looking to move but staying in the area ..currantly inleumeah..its quite .we got farms opposit to us so bit rural..oh an a cockeral ..mmm pesky thing....was bit put off by lack of nite life but found 2 nice places to drink and joined real good gym aquafit sooo friendly .girls and i go out for meals on occasions ..trying out all the eateries in area ..tried pancakes on rocks las wk on park central mmmmmmm yum .havin probs with this puter too ..so mail me ..if u wish ..debsxx

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Guest Sunsh1ne

There are so many differing opinions on how to write your CV that there is not one preferred method. My suggestions would be as follows:


- remember its a sales document about you - its ensuring that the CV gets you the interview you want so don't be shy about your skills

- the average cv is scanned over in 10-20 seconds so it needs to be clear and concise

- always include achievements, particularly if they have associated costs - companies like to know about quantifiable achievements

- don't include really old job histories - employers will look to see how you've progressed over the years and so keep history to a minimum focusing on where you gained the majority of your experience

- some people like to include a profile at the top of their CV - this highlights skills, experience and also targets the role you are looking for

- check the spelling and then check it again !


Hope this is of help. If you upload your CV to totaljobs.com they have a free feedback service - they do try to sell you services but its not hard sell and I really recommend it. (I don't work for them either).


Good luck.

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