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Well, the honeymoon period is definitely over......


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....and we are still enjoying living here so it looks like we did the right thing.


It's been 20 months packed full with emotion and obstacle, but we seem to be coming out on top now. I take delivery of a new car in a couple of weeks, should be moving into our new house sometime next month, and we should have a new addition to the house by April. No, no, not a baby, a Rhodesian Ridgeback pup.


It's not been all plain sailing, we've had redundancy, trying to sell a house in the UK and people sickness (not home sickness) all causing problems, and Christmas is just a write off for me here, but things seem to be coming together now.


I'll never be the kind of person to shout "I love it here", thats just not me. Too many people are missing from my life. But we very much enjoy living here, for now. We don't know what the future has in store for us, and there's no point wasting your time trying to figure it out. The future will happen, regardless.


I just want to say to anyone who is worried they don't feel they belong in Australia or concerned they have made the wrong decision, don't worry if your feelings aren't the same as someone else's. Just because you don't have the urge to sing from the rooftops that your life is fantastic, doesn't mean it isn't.


T xx

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Guest The Pom Queen

What a great post, and it does show how things can change with time.

LOL a RR puppy in a new house, oh dear, it's a good job you own a cleaning company:laugh:

Would love to see photos.


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That is just how I feel, we have a good life here but there are lots of people missing. We are happy and settled and for now at least it's home.


Good to see things have turned out so well for you,


kind regards


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