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Finally we have pushed the button!

mr luvpants

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great post John, and sums up just about everything. We felt the same, now or never. I've always wanted to come to Australia. Hubby hadnt give it a thought till he met me lol, but we were of the same mind, whats the worst that can happen, we dont like it and go home at least we can say we did it and I wont go to my grave thinking 'what if' or 'I wish I'd done this or that'. But I have to say even though we have both had a few 'wobbles' as you put it we are loving it here its everything I ever dreamed of. In fact just stepping off the plane I felt like I'd come home. Maybe I lived here before in a previous life lol. (probably as a 'POM')

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Thanks Lynne.


Where are you moving to?




Think they are there mate sig says it lol, word of advice mate keep yer size umpteens on the ground , its no dream mate unless youve got a few millions , still work and play but its good ,.Like sum advice thinkin of joinin wa part time fire service ( have i lost it or worth a go ) am seriously thinkin about it



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I know. But they are moving again to a different suburb. LOL


Thanks for the advice.




Soz mate wot can i say moved in OUR house xmas after 8 moves in 2 years , ought to get in the moving business do i know how to move house lol



good luck mate

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Well done to you both! I'm about 6 months behind you (hoping to apply for 175 over the summer) - I'm sure your 'golden ticket' will be through fairly quickly...how exciting!!

Thanks for all of the advice thus far - it's been much appreciated!!

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