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Hand over files for doctors and dentists?

mr luvpants

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I have been reading another thread which details what needs to be done before you go. One of the things was that you need to ask your doctor for hand over files. I assumed that your files stayed in the UK and if anyone needs them then they have to send a letter.


So what does happen?



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Guest Guest31881

Your doctor will not give you your files, you can request to see them and have them photo copied to bring with you, The doctor will charge for this.

but to be honest there is no real need to bring your files, if you have a medical condition that requieres on going medication then better to ask doctor for a letter detailing the condition, and bring medication with you. I have a heart condition and just told my doc here what it was, he arranged new tests and start their own records.


Childrens vaccination records should be brought with you as schools will want to see them.


You do not need dental records as any new dentist will give you a full examination and make up their own records.

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Yup srp is quite right, they really couldnt care less unless you have had significant interventions in the past.


The children's vaccination book is really important though - dont put it in your container, bring it in your luggage with you as they need to see it on enrolment. The only other thing is that if you have a child with a disability then bring all assessments, reports, etc with you as well as they are useful if you need to seek additional support for a child in the school environment.

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