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Hello to anyone that looks at this!

Not done this before but starting to need help/advice in relation to our visa application for moving to oz. Taken us 10 months to get the skills assessment sorted, but finally got it last month so now we are at the start of the visa process!

Looking to go to Queensland area, probably Brisbane although we hope to visit some time in early 2010 and that may change our views on where to go.

I have 2 children of 6 and 4 so they are my only concern in the process, but we'll make sure they are ok with it all.

Thanks for looking and I hope to get involved in some threads as soon as poss.

Bye for now :laugh:

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Guest smileykylie

hi and welcome - all the best with your visa


just an aside - some of the brits on here are really brave going straight from here to queensland - i am an aussie and queensland is waaayy to hot for me!!!! (but i love the english weather!!)

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and welcome to PIO. You are making a great choice........Qld is FAB!


We started in Sydney but are now in Qld and LOVE it! People talk about it being hot in Qld but there were hotter (and colder) days in Sydney. Here in Qld the heat is more constant and the humidity can be pretty bad a times, but overall, give me Qld climate over anywhere else I have loved ANY time!!






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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pikey888

iya hodgie

were from manchester(sale)been in brisvegas 4 years now 3 yrs in kenmoe 1 yr in north lakes its top bannana without a doubt .good luck with whatever you do!if you an the mrs have any question send an e mail if you want.pikey

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Guest Guest31881
Hello to anyone that looks at this!

Not done this before but starting to need help/advice in relation to our visa application for moving to oz. Taken us 10 months to get the skills assessment sorted, but finally got it last month so now we are at the start of the visa process!

Looking to go to Queensland area, probably Brisbane although we hope to visit some time in early 2010 and that may change our views on where to go.

I have 2 children of 6 and 4 so they are my only concern in the process, but we'll make sure they are ok with it all.

Thanks for looking and I hope to get involved in some threads as soon as poss.

Bye for now :laugh:


Hi welcome to the forum.


I love Queensland, but i do live on the coast so i get a sea breeze and its cooler and fresher than the city, I live 40min drive from the city. There are some realy nice places in and around Brisbane and i am sure what ever type of area you want to live in you will find something suitable around here. I have found that you can live 40 min away from the city and be in a different world.


Best of luck with your vist :notworthy:

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi and welcome to PIO, your only mstake is heading to Brisbane, I would change it to Melbourne:biglaugh:

The children will be fine, I think it is us as parents who worry more. I must admit our eldest did not want to come but now he says he would never go back to the UK.

Good luck with everything


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tinibopper

hello we came in jan 09 and so far we love it you get used to the heat i have a two year old and i'm glad we are here . we came over from leeds and are now living in springfield lakes look it up on line a great place and still not finished it is an hour away from the beach but you can have too much of a good thing thats why . . welcom to pio we have met a few people from here its great

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Hi and thanks to you all for your great advice. Qld is still sounding good, even with the heat as its -1 here today and just been scraping the ice off my car before work - wouldnt miss that at all!

Thanks Pikey for saying I can ask you any questions, I live about a 5 minute drive away from Sale!

Will be back on with more questions very very soon as visa process starts again soon. Take care all and thanks again :-)

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Guest annemarie and brian

Hi and welcome to the pio you we defiently find all the help and advice on here and good luck with the visa process.


annemarie x

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Guest littlemizzle

Hey there hodg,


i'm very, very new to this thing too havin decided last week that i'm goin to do this australia thing once and for all!! whats this you said about it takin 10 months to do your skilled assesment because i'm hoping to go over as a skilled migrant but i have no idea where to start.


also if anyone else can help i'll give u a hug :-)

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Hi littlemizzle.

We went for the skilled worker visa and as my husbands degree could not be confirmed as holding a definite percentage of IT in it (as they didnt provide a full breakdown of modules back in 1996, and the course no longer runs) we had to change the application half way through to a Recognition of Prior Learning Application which meant a lot of extra work in producing 2 written reports based on his job now and projects he has managed, along with a few other things that took up quite a bit of time. The waiting was painful, but we got there in the end! good luck with your assessment, depending on your job, it should hopefully be a bit easier???:err:

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Welcome Hodgies!

My Hubby didn't have much of a problem doing his skills assessment, but I think it depends on the Skill.

Hes an accountant and it was just a case of transfering his skills from English to Oz. We have done the whole visa app. ourselves( no agent). Its been pretty straight forward so far(touch wood!), and we have had loads of helpful advise from everyone on here.

We are planning on heading out to Brisbane ourselves this next summer ( all being well). I have to say I certainly will not miss the English winter!


Welcome once again

Melanie x

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  • 1 month later...

I may end up asking you advice on the visa process if you've done it yourselves as we've decided to go for it that was as well. Its probably easier for someone else to help, but they charge so much money that I'd rather have that in my purse! Off to Brisbane, excellent. We thought about it but my mums ill, so I think our holidays will be local this year and maybe look at travelling out to Brisbane on holiday next year, or possibly christmas. Keep us posted on what you think. I presume you are going to be checking out areas you fancy moving to? It would be good to hear your thoughts on that too. Just going to get the next week or so out the way as we have a lot on, then get the visa think going online. This snow has made me even more determined to go to oz! It's great to play in for a week or so, but then it drives you mad and you just crave for the sunshine. Thanks and all the best :-)

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Good for you!! Great to hear you are going to be applying for a visa! Please shout if you need any help, there are many ready, willing and able beings on here who will help you out and support you with it all the way.






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