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From todays Sydney Morning Herald, Spiders in the ear !!!!


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Hi Everyone,


Thought i would just post this from todays Sydney Morning Herald newspaper for you to read bit of a scary thought !!!!!


Spiders make home in boy's ear


May 7, 2007 - 9:21AM





These guys were not exactly Snap, Crackle and Pop.

What began as a faint popping in a 9-year-old boy's ear - "like Rice Krispies" - ended up as an earache, and the doctor's diagnosis was that a pair of spiders made a home in the ear.

"They were walking on my eardrums," Jesse Courtney said.

One of the spiders was still alive after the doctor flushed the fourth-grader's left ear canal. His mother, Diane Courtney, said her son insisted he kept hearing a faint popping in his ear - "like Rice Krispies".

Dr David Irvine said it looked like the boy had something in his ear when he examined him.

When he irrigated the ear, the first spider came out, dead. The other spider took a second dousing before it emerged, still alive. Both were about the size of a pencil eraser.

Jesse was given the spiders - now both dead - as a souvenir. He has taken them to school and his mother has taken them to work.



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Guest Vicar of Dibley


I'm going to bed with me ear muffs!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

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Guest Abi&Dan



Mind you - 2 spiders the size of pencil end erasers - jaysus how big are that kid's ears!?

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Guest egghead
oh my god i will never ever sleep in oz for about 8 months uuuggggggghhhhhhh. i think i will get ear plugs and sleep in scuba gear or an air raid mask. i'm not kidding either...



although this vision is one that shouts PASSION KILLER :laugh:



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Guest koala12

Julie - please don't tell me things like this!!!! I have read stories like this in UK and I didn't sleep for days imagining creepy crawlies in my ears and mouth.....It does make you feel like you want to go to bed with earplugs, mouth guards and insect repellent.....passion killer or what!!!?



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Guest wardy
Gross gross gross gross.


But don't forget guys, the average human actually swallows about 8 spiders during their lifetime while sleeping!!




I thought it was 8 a year thats what I had read or heared.


I hope you are right and not me :wideeyed:



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Guest koala12

EIGHT A YEAR!!!! I don't think I'll sleep tonight....all I can say is though if a bloody great huntsman tried to crawl in either your mouth or ears you would certainly know about it believe me!!!!


:arghh: Karen

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Guest wardy
EIGHT A YEAR!!!! I don't think I'll sleep tonight....all I can say is though if a bloody great huntsman tried to crawl in either your mouth or ears you would certainly know about it believe me!!!!


:arghh: Karen


I have just googled this question and unfortunately depending on the website you look on there is a difference of opinion whether its per year or lifetime. :arghh:


I guess besides wearing earmuffs we will have to tape our mouths closed ummmm attractive :laugh:



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Guest Scarletfever

I guess besides wearing earmuffs we will have to tape our mouths closed ummmm attractive :laugh:




OMG. The girls on here wouldn't be able to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:arghh:

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Know ya got me thinking all kinds of stuff!!!! It was in todays national favourite THE SUN.....

Says the boy lives in Oregan USA...Seeee no such thing as spideys is Oz girls:wub:

Perhaps you right jo im confused now - they were all talking about it at work and said Albany western australia !!!! not so sure completly confused - hope no spiders have goten itno my brain !!!!

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Guest koala12


You would have loved me last night! My daughter and I went to a VIP evening at Lush and I had a spa footbath treatment. They lovely guy who did it put in a pink bath bomb which smelled divine.....only problem was when I took my feet out ready for the foot massage bit my feet were bright pink, not not baby pink but shocking pink! He was absolutely mortified, my daughter was in hysterics and everyone rushed over to look!!!! Well an hour later my tootsies had been exfoliated, scrubbed, washed in every lotion and potion they had in the store until at least the tops of my feet looked normal.....the underneath is still pinkish but they are sooooooooooooo soft and sweet smelling!!!!! They were all so apologetic and thanked me profusely for taking it in good humour and not getting angry/making a scene and I came away with a few goodies by way of a 'thank you'. Moral of this story is pink bath bombs are obviously too concentrated for foot spas!!!!!

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Guest Abi&Dan

they have lush in Oz?! sweeeeet


Though the OH will be less than impressed - it gives him a headache! lol

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