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ACT Salaries

Guest Samfire

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Guest Samfire

This is an extremely general question, but can anybody give me an idea of what is considered to be an "average" weekly wage in the ACT??? I know that this varies hugely across the different professions, but for a one-income family, what do people feel is a required weekly wage? We don't want to be asking people what they earn, but we're finding it hard to compare what hubby is earning with any standard of measurement - i.e. is he earning enough or should we be thinking of finding him another job?? Any general comments would be appreciated.

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The average male full time salary in Australia is $63k give or take. Canberra, with its public service would have a higher average salary than that. I'd be guessing at around $80k. The people I work with are on $35 - 60K but that is a charity and so not a very attractive option for your run of the mill Canberran.


A top of the scale teacher is on around $75 - 80k now and I usually take that as a benchmark for Canberra as it is about a ASO6 level which is fairly average.


Most of the tradies I know seem to be raking it in because there is a cash in hand economy booming here at the mo.


Most families would be 2 income families if only to pay off the mortgage - families who have bought in the past few years will have mortgage debts of $300k+++. I know very few families with stay at home mums these days - partly because of the financial situation but partly because of the career orientation of Canberra women which means that maternity leave is an expensive way to get behind in your career. Working in schools you rarely find those mums who keep the school going with their voluntary work these days - partly because Centrelink payments for single women insist that they have to be looking for at least part time work once their child gets to around 7.

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I'm on the lower scale, on $38k per year, my misses has just started as a casual worker as we have a son. We are paying off a morgage as well, but we live in Queanbeyan, which is still a nice city. Back in the UK I was on about £30k a year and more when I worked away from home. I do find it very difficult but we have no debts, just tread carefully

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