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having a Sh**ty day


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Today is not good, feeling exhausted due to lack of sleep, continually feeling lost in this big city, need to find somewhere to rent by next week, spent too much time with the OH and son that we're tearing each other appart and OH wants to be anywhere but here as he refuses to accept things are done differently/slower/the old way.


please tell me this is common in the first few weeks:cry:

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listen our first few weeks were mad here and now 2 months on we are settling in ok but of course its early days yet. so sending you a big:hug:and good wishes

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thanks guys!


The day ended with a 3 hours in A&E with out son, who took a tumble in the park into a bench and has now got stitches in his bottom lip:wideeyed:


Im sat now with a well deserved bottle of wine. Roll on tomorrow and its adventures .....

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Guest jackie Macdonald

Ahh, this is something that everyone experiences at some time or another when they have to adapt to such drastic changes in their lives. Chin up... give it time and see how things pan out, it is all very new at the moment.


Sending you some happy thoughts and a big hug


jackie xxx

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Big Hugs to your son , i hope he recovers quickly.


You hang on in there , i think adjusting to the speed most of the aussies work is one of the toughest things we have to do,,once you almost get your head around it can be quite fun joining in ,lol

If you get stuck finding a rental let me know and i will shout Kate (M2M) to see if she can help us

Cal x

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I really suffer with jetlag and find the first two weeks are really hard on me even when I have the luxury of being able to relax and laze about through it. If you're sensitive to jetlag that may be complicating - if not causing, you all to feel so tired and somewhat frustrated with things.



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Big Hugs to your son , i hope he recovers quickly.


You hang on in there , i think adjusting to the speed most of the aussies work is one of the toughest things we have to do,,once you almost get your head around it can be quite fun joining in ,lol

If you get stuck finding a rental let me know and i will shout Kate (M2M) to see if she can help us

Cal x



Thanks Cal,


Spent the afternoon finding other areas we could live in that i think would be good for the family and it went better than expected. Off to hound the estate agents tomorrow.


Thanks for the suggestion, however, am already in contact with kate, were are in a short term rent already through her. $700 a week can only be done for so long with no wages coming in!! (esp when i know exact houses are going for $250 a week):shocked:. Ideally id like to know weve got somewhere to live for the next 12months by time i start work (5th oct)




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I really suffer with jetlag and find the first two weeks are really hard on me even when I have the luxury of being able to relax and laze about through it. If you're sensitive to jetlag that may be complicating - if not causing, you all to feel so tired and somewhat frustrated with things.




totally agree with you. I really dont know how these jet setters do it:wacko:

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Guest ChrisAl1

Hi, have been in melbourne 3 weeks and feeling really homesick. No friends to have a chat or a moan to, so know how you are feeling!!!! How do you start a friendship group again at the age of 40 something?? Any one around East Melbourne who knows how?

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hey Kelly

Keep that head up girl, have pm'd you. Let me know which suburbs you are heading for and I will see what I can do, although most of my rental contacts are in the SE. We did secure a family a long term rental in less than a week through an agent friend of mine, but their properties are usually around Aspendale Gardens, Bonbeach, Mordialloc etc.

You will find that the first few months are always the hardest, it is a mixture of jet lag, emotions from leaving friends and family behind, looking for a house/car/school and then friends. Give me a call anytime you are feeling down. I can always put you in touch with other families who are going through the same.

Big big hugs


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Guest The Pom Queen
Thanks Cal,


Spent the afternoon finding other areas we could live in that i think would be good for the family and it went better than expected. Off to hound the estate agents tomorrow.


Thanks for the suggestion, however, am already in contact with kate, were are in a short term rent already through her. $700 a week can only be done for so long with no wages coming in!! (esp when i know exact houses are going for $250 a week):shocked:. Ideally id like to know weve got somewhere to live for the next 12months by time i start work (5th oct)






This is so true, that's why I recommend a maximum of 4 weeks in a furnished rental. I know that all utilities are included etc but short term furnished are always more expensive than your 12 month unfurnished properties. Blinkin caravan sites charge from $100 - $200 per night:swoon:

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