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Anzac Day


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Its raining in Perth also - don't think there much open tomorrow - Were going to go to Rotto buy weather is supposed to be rubbish? Could be the 'Last Drop' also! :wacko:

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Guest Impatient

2 up? Please explain, this is clearly an important part of my research for going, and it sounds like it involves alcohol so I need to know anyway!

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Guest nev_n_angie

I'm going to be sad :unsure: :cry:


My potential Case Officer - whoever it may be :err: will be absent from his or her place of work tomorrow - which means that I cannot expect to hear ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Additionally, this is a purely selfish thing to say as public holidays to commemorate such a massive period in History are well deserved!


Still going to be hacked off though :arghh:

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Guest kelly

hope you all had agreat day whatever you did, despite the rain, dont you need some rain though with the drought


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Well its 8.15am here in Melbourne on ANZAC day and I am looking at a beautiful blue sky. Looks like its bacon and eggs on the barbie for brekkie!! Bit nippy tho' only 16 at the mo' 24 forcast so that will mean a walk on the beach, then we will watch the ANZAC parade and remember what today is all about then onto another barbie later with friends!!

I love my life :cool:


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Its to remember the .......





C ORPS'...........

Who fought and died in Gallipoli during WW1.............

........................But as with any rememberance day, its to remember all those that have fought and given there lives in any war!!

History lesson over


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We went to a dawn service here as husband is in the forces. We took the kids with us. I must admit it was a very moving service, playing the last post etc and then watching the sun come up. Am glad I went but feel absolutely knackered! Managed to get a few games of 2 up in and also crown and anchor, but did not win much!

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Guest Nelson

We spent a gloriously sunny day in Ballarat at Sovereign Hill.. A good time was had by all and we found some gold to boot!! :D

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Guest tinbasher

LC you are back, with tales of a sick doggie, I hope she is alright. Had you not washed your feet again? Hope you had a good time; couldn't you have stayed away a bit longer?


As for Anzac day, I went to church only to find when I got there that they had cancelled the service, which I wasn't very impressed with. There was a few of us that turned up. So although I had good intentions to remember the fallen heroes it was a bit strange really. :frown:


Mrs TinB

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LC you are back, with tales of a sick doggie, I hope she is alright. Had you not washed your feet again? Hope you had a good time; couldn't you have stayed away a bit longer?


As for Anzac day, I went to church only to find when I got there that they had cancelled the service, which I wasn't very impressed with. There was a few of us that turned up. So although I had good intentions to remember the fallen heroes it was a bit strange really. :frown:


Mrs TinB


Thanks for your concern Mrs T. ,Taisy is very well. I did have a good time, but I missed you, of course.*


Now you've recounted your Anzac day, it explains what we overheard at a pub down your way. Apparently one church in your area (see how discrete I am?) is having problems with a strange woman who keeps jumping up during the sermon and shouting 'hallelujah', before breaking into song and dance routines. Well, because Anzac day is such a serious affair, the congregation decided to lie low until said nutter bought the 'cancelled' service idea, and left. Whereupon they all jumped up (inc. the 90yolds) and had a charming heartfelt celebration.


Of course that was probably just idle gossip.....

Yours mischievously,


*That's what they call sarcasm...

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Guest tinbasher

Dear LC


What can I say? You are so funny Laughing Cow you should be on a TV commercial! I love your sarcasm it makes me laugh :biglaugh: I feel so ashamed that the people hid from me I only shout out, 'Hallelujah,' to wake the old buggers up! :embarrassed:


Sorry to hear about Taisy, she's the cute white one that is like a little Teddy bear.


Mrs TinB

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