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Are we Mad?


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Guest lee n sar


Looks like your in the same boat as me.

I'm going on my own in about 8 weeks and my wife and girls are gonna follow.

Heading brisbane area myself.

Not too worried about making friends as i am a top bloke:biggrin:

Seriously ,if he gets bored(i doubt it) he can always look me up for surfing,beers oh and serious work stuff(had to say that in case mrs reads this post)


Nice one Lee

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Good luck to you, hope all goes well. Feeling quite green-eyed, although we are luckier than some and have our visa's granted now. Wish we could say what day we were leaving - looks like we'll be here for another family Christmas (believe me they don't always turn out to be one's to be remembered for all the right reasons). Add to that the emotions of children/grandchildren abandoning them forever, and they'll never be another Christmas together forever - I'm even contemplating flying on Christmas Day!!!!

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Guest shawgorbys

OMG we were thinking of doing the same sending hubby over coz hes got a job sponser over there and sort out a house and all other stuff ,But then we still have all the bills here in Oldham and then hubby has to live somewere over there so its not worth it we are all going as a proper family and help each other to settle in and be happy take care eveyone andrea &family

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Guest Bettyboop

Hi Jill,


I was just wondering where you are thinking of living in Oz? My husband is going to start a two to four year contract in Brisbane South Bank in August and hopefully me and the children will follow October or latest November and we are looking to settle in Cleveland or Wellington Point. I am currently going through every possible emotion and even some I didn't know I had!!! My biggest worry is saying good bye to my mum and dad who we are all so close to and I am expecting to be the one in our family who will find it really hard when we get there being as I will be the one left at home while hubby at work and children at school!! Would be nice to stay in touch and if you want to PM me please do I would like to know how it all goes and what decision you come to.


Angie x

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Guest jackie Macdonald
A very good reply Jackie.... keep in contact through PM....


Thanks Rossmoyne,


I definitely will. Thanks for all your help!!


jackie xx

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Guest shawgorbys

Good morning Jackie hope you are enjoying yourself in england with the family and i hope it helps you make up your mind on what you want take care andrea&family

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Guest inlimbo

Its a hard one, living with your parents cannot help, whats to say when you all get back over there your husband wont feel the same and want to come back.

Its human nature to long for the place you left and visa versa, thats why there are so many ping-pongers who cannot settle in either Country.

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Hi Jill,


I was just wondering where you are thinking of living in Oz? My husband is going to start a two to four year contract in Brisbane South Bank in August and hopefully me and the children will follow October or latest November and we are looking to settle in Cleveland or Wellington Point. I am currently going through every possible emotion and even some I didn't know I had!!! My biggest worry is saying good bye to my mum and dad who we are all so close to and I am expecting to be the one in our family who will find it really hard when we get there being as I will be the one left at home while hubby at work and children at school!! Would be nice to stay in touch and if you want to PM me please do I would like to know how it all goes and what decision you come to.


Angie x


Hi Angie


We are looking around Gold Coast as there seems more work for him there. We do like the Sunshine Coast but it may be difficult to get jobs.

I too am very close to my mum & dad and the first time leaving it was really hard. My Dad has never cried in front of me before but he did the day we left. We also had a leaving party a few weeks before and family were crying there. It really affected my boys and it was truly horrible. when we mentioned to them about going back, my youngest said "do we have to have a leaving party" I asked him if he wanted one and he said no way. they both want to go back but they keep saying are we naughty making people cry. You have mixture of emotions and feel excited and happy but have to hide it from people and then guilt because you are leaving them.

Good luck im sure it will be worth it.



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We have managed to wangle a few weeks in New Zealand for me and the kids staying with friends whilst hubby looks for work and sorts out rental etc, ok it is a long way away but at least we can get small/cheap short term accommodation for him, and the kids and I can have holiday with friends on the cheap!!

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Guest jackie Macdonald
Good morning Jackie hope you are enjoying yourself in england with the family and i hope it helps you make up your mind on what you want take care andrea&family



thanks shawgorbys. I think i am nearing my decision now. I have to make it by Wednesday next week and will let you know on the forum the choice I have made.


jackie xx

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I think you should stick around a while til this recession ends. Tough I know but at least then you can do all your resurch and save as much money as you can.


But think your right Hubby goes out first then hopfully he likes it settles and sends for you lot.



Good luck but be patiant.




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