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Why Australia Needs Migrants


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Reason why Australia and other developed countries need migration is due to ageing, but you will not hear about it in Oz media, i.e. Australia needs more taxpayers :)


From The Economist "Ageing in the rich world: The end of retirement


Demography means virtually all of us will have to work longer. That need not be a bad thing. WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45. In 1908, when Lloyd George bullied through a payment of five shillings a week for poor men who had reached 70, Britons, especially poor ones, were lucky to survive much past 50. By 1935, when America set up its Social Security system, the official pension age was 65—three years beyond the lifespan of the typical American. State-sponsored retirement was designed to be a brief sunset to life, for a few hardy souls


Ageing in the rich world: The end of retirement | The Economist

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Reason why Australia and other developed countries need migration is due to ageing, but you will not hear about it in Oz media, i.e. Australia needs more taxpayers :)


From The Economist "Ageing in the rich world: The end of retirement


Demography means virtually all of us will have to work longer. That need not be a bad thing. WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45. In 1908, when Lloyd George bullied through a payment of five shillings a week for poor men who had reached 70, Britons, especially poor ones, were lucky to survive much past 50. By 1935, when America set up its Social Security system, the official pension age was 65—three years beyond the lifespan of the typical American. State-sponsored retirement was designed to be a brief sunset to life, for a few hardy souls


Ageing in the rich world: The end of retirement | The Economist


What happens when the migrants get old?

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Guest fatpom
Maybe I do not understand all this but as a member of a few forums,there seems to be more older migrants coming over.I am one of them at 44.


Yes, this is a surprise. When I emmigrated anyone over 35 stood no chance & this made more sense... skilled, healthy people with lots of working life left in them. Only just got the application in with a few weeks to spare! :smile:


Australia's migrancy program is far more about an economic growth model than a skills shortage, the skills thing being just a filtering system IMO?

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Guest fatpom
Reason why Australia and other developed countries need migration is due to ageing, but you will not hear about it in Oz media, i.e. Australia needs more taxpayers :)

WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45. In 1908, when Lloyd George bullied through a payment of five shillings a week for poor men who had reached 70, Britons, especially poor ones, were lucky to survive much past 50. By 1935, when America set up its Social Security system, the official pension age was 65—three years beyond the lifespan of the typical American. State-sponsored retirement was designed to be a brief sunset to life, for a few hardy souls


Two things which struck me when (ex-treasurer) Costello told us we would have to work until we were 70.


1) The pollies super system isn't set up for retirement at 70 (not even nearly).


2) Who the hell is going to want manual workers (skilled & unskilled) at 70 years of age who probably still make up more of the workforce than clerical/office type workers?

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Guest snow white
Culture wars aside where Australian governments have tried bribing Australians to have more children, it is hoped any new young immigrants will breed like rabbits :)


i knew there was a reason we got our visa through so quick guess it was down to those many dwarfs we have running around after all lol



lesley x

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Technically yup we do appear to need more migrants. The govt has already raised the retirement age to minimize the impact of all the retirees - expect it to go up even further in the next few years. The other problem not mentioned however is that Australia's resources cannot accommodate too many more people. I think the sustainability figure is something like 16 million and we are well past that now. It's unfortunate that people think that just because it is a big place that it has an infinite capacity to support human life but it doesnt - the habitable areas are quite small and without a reasonable water supply no one is going to be able to live here. Bit of a problem really.

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Guest AnnabelCandy

It seems to me as if Aussies are breeding like rabbits anyway. Not all of them but a lot. In UK and NZ it seemed as if three kids is a big family but here there are heaps of families with four kids and a few with even more. Snow White being the exception to the rule of course:)

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