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How long have you been unemployed in Oz?


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when you arrive how quickly you found a decent job? I heard stories that within couple of days and others couple of years. I have not worked last few months, before I had been doing crap jobs, facing australian red tape to get licenses and I ask myself "how long more?". I see also this country has nothing much to offer, except nice landscapes, but this is not all to survive, I need a job and income desperately and can't find.

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Guest Vim Fuego

I was out of work for 4 years before I came to Oz (those career breaks do tend to extend ... along with credit card debt), took me 3 months to find a job (Software Development). Went on a 3 month contract first, was extended twice and made permanent ... now I'm leaving, but that's another story ...


The best advice I've got is to put a lot more faith in meeting people and 'networking' than you would in the UK (as opposed to just chucking your CV at an agency and hoping) AND to accept a short term contract just to get Aussie experience.


The landscapes are nice too.

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When we arrived last October it took less than 3 weeks for both myself and hubby to find jobs. He found his dream job as a Project Manager and is still working for the company 7 months on. I on the other hand, have been retrenched twice in 8 months. The first time it took me 2 months to find another job, the second time only 3 days. That being said, I hate my current job and I am actively looking for a new one. I am making less money than I was in Canada and actually working more hours, at the moment, it is not unusal for me to put in almost 50 hours a week and I don't get paid for overtime. However, I note that I am very lucky to be employed during these current financial conditions, and I am grateful for any job. I don't look at my current job as being a long haul job for me, just a stepping stone until I find the right job.


Good luck with the job hunting, I am sure that things will turn around soon.





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Guest JoanneHattersley

For us:


I had a job before i came. We arrived in Feb 05 and they had held my job for me from Oct 04


Mark got a job after three weeks as a Brisbane bus driver. He had 20 years London bus driving expereince behind him

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I have been here 9 months. In UK was in IT (ETL / data warehousing) as a contractor. But getting a bit old (late 40's) and not worked for 2 years. Was having a career break / rethink, but couldn't think of anything to do. Really regret it now, should have kept up to date.


Applied for quite a few jobs in IT at all levels, but the usual - only one reply so far. Have just done online application for the likes of Coles, Woolies, etc part time / casual to see if anyhting comes of that.


Luckily wife works full time as nurse, so no real money worries, just about breal even as we are renting.

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Guest juliemtaylor
I was out of work for 4 years before I came to Oz (those career breaks do tend to extend ... along with credit card debt), took me 3 months to find a job (Software Development). Went on a 3 month contract first, was extended twice and made permanent ... now I'm leaving, but that's another story ...


The best advice I've got is to put a lot more faith in meeting people and 'networking' than you would in the UK (as opposed to just chucking your CV at an agency and hoping) AND to accept a short term contract just to get Aussie experience.


The landscapes are nice too.


How is the It is Brissy? Did you join the ACS? My OH in IT (Java and Lotus Notes stuff).


Julie x

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Guest Vim Fuego
How is the It is Brissy? Did you join the ACS? My OH in IT (Java and Lotus Notes stuff).


Julie x


There are IT development jobs out there, just turned down 2 interviews in the public service (you tend to need citizenship or PR to get in there permanently). Once you have a few contracts and an Aussie work history it whould be OK as long as you aren't too picky and don't expect top dollar (it IS Brisbane after all!).


ACS? Nah, I was a member of the cub scouts for a fortnight though!

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Guest longland

I found it hard to get a decent job up on the Sunshine Coast and even in Brisbane. I used to be a Regional Director for a large international franchise in the UK, i was hoping for an international transfer but they had other ideas - best laid plans!! My other half was an account controller for a large chain of health and fitness clubs and had an extensive background in the accounts world - hence why she is the finance director of our marriage, so she keeps telling me - wondered where all these new shoes kept coming from, better check the account!!

Finding it increasingly difficult to find a decent/well paid job in the area we decided to give real estate a go.....we got involved in the industry just as the housing markets globally went belly up. It's been a long 16 months or so in the real estate industry, not a lot has been happening, with this in mind we started to look at alternatives, buying a business - which meant an outlay of anywhere from $100-$200k to find something with a decent return. I started working as a business broker - i thought that the real estate industry was bad, but trying to sell businesses that aren't worth a bean, dodgy accounts etc, it wasn't for me. Then we started looking at home based businesses, sifted through the multi level marketing businesses etc and then eventually found a home based business that actually works - that's where we are now. We devote all of 3-4 hours per day Monday - Thursday and enjoy the rest of the time at our leisure. I no longer need to look for a job as we are extremely comfortable, happy and earning good money doing what we're doing.

I'm sure there are good jobs and opportunities out there somewhere you just have to keep looking and they will eventually present themselves.

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I was unemployed for 6 months despite being experienced during a boom when my job was the most in-demand from employers in the country. Because I wasn't willing to look outside Sydney/Brisbane


I see an awful lot of posts which go "I want to move to X suburb, will I get a job doing Y?" Unless it's very much in demand in that area, probably not.


Generic advice for people who haven't committed to one area with mortgages and schools etc - Australians like people with Australian experience, it always pays to move to where the job is offered, particularly to regional cities who don't have lots of candidates to choose from. Worry about where you really want to live in two years' time when it's going to be much easier to pick the work up, particularly if you then have a network of contacts.


In my case I moved the Mackay where I was offered a job, in 2 years progressed to being one of the senior members and 5 years later now have the experience and the contacts to get work anywhere in the country, but have settled into regional life and wouldn't consider moving to a main city at all.

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