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457 conversion to PR - time frame ?

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We moved over to Oz on an employer sponsored 457 visa (as my husband and myself both failed the skills testing). We have now been on this visa since arriving 22nd Aug 2007. I started work early Sep and then after nearly a year - my husband's company did the 457 visa for us and I continued to work for the same company but part time so I had better hours for taking care of my school aged son. My husband has been with his current employer since Oct 2007 and we want to apply for PR. He is in finance and I am worried about the current climate and heard a lot of horror stories, most recently the family in Adelaide that were forced to return to the UK on their 457 visa when she was made redundant. We have bought a house here now and have a very small mortgage on this, so financially we are very stable. I work part time in administration and he is an accountant full time. Can anyone advise when would be the best time to start applying for PR. His employer is willing to sign this off with the agent now already but the agent feels we can only start applying in Oct and not before. We ofcourse want to be certain, but reading this forum, it seems ages for medicals and police checks to come through so are these not things we could start doing now already as well as getting the application in to start processing? Chances are, I think, it would not be processed even by Oct and thus we would still fall into that 2 year time frame. Or would Immigration throw it out if it was a couple of months earlier ? Can anyone advise us ? We love it here so much and are determined to obtain our PR. I have read some people applied as soon as they arrived on their 457 and obtained this after 8 months and others not, so would really appreciate some assistance... please...

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Sorry but I don't understand what you've written. Your husband's employer is willing to sponsor him for PR yes? Then he should be able to go ahead now and start on that application. That is the 121 ENS (employer nomination scheme) visa. Why does your agent say you should wait until October? I really don't get that.



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We are both 39. The agent said he has to be employed for 2 years before being able to apply. We has heard differently and hence my post on here. He has UK accounting qualifications which we were told were not Australian recognised. Besides this, all his experience is purely hands on in the job. He failed skills testing initially purely due to his British qualifications of BAHA not being recognised here.

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I have just looked on line for this visa and I get this info , which I gather the agent is going on :


To be eligible for permanent residency under this visa, the employee must meet one of the following requirements:


  • have worked full-time in Australia in the nominated occupation on a Subclass 418, 421, 422, 428, 444, 457 or 461 temporary residence visa for the last two years prior to the visa application being made (including at least the last 12 months with the nominating employer)

However, taking into account poolice checks, medicals take some time, we are wanting to start all this now already.


Thanks for taking the time to reply - really appreciated as feelinga bit lost..

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Hi , Yes, we are in the same boat as you . It's because you cannot get a skills assessment , as like us you don't hold a degree or such . My husband has 10 years experience , so after two years working for the same employer the employer can sponser us for PR , this is how we get ' skills assessed '.

Looks like you'll have to wait , like us , but don't worry , we have been out here nearly a year now and time really zips by . There is unfortunately no other way .

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We were hoping to start the process sooner as fear of his position being made redundant should they decide to merge offices in Sydney. There is rumour of this at the moment, but no one knows for sure or can give any answers at this stage. During this economic time, it could happen at a drop of a hat and then, where would we stand ? It will be hard going for him to try find other work and get a company to re sponsor again as we have heard many companies are not doing this currently due to costs involved and waiting periods. Again, perhaps rumours. We just feel the sooner we have our PR, then at least we can feel more safe, settled and secure. He would easily get another position then with his experience and references. I also have a god part time position that would more than be sufficient for us to rely on. Our son has moved around a lot over the past few years and is so settled here - we really do not want to uproot him again. My husband will however, move to Sydney, if that is what it takes to stay in the company though.


Well... it seems even though they merge - company still stays in Vic so that problem okay at least ... no one should listen to office gossip I guess ! :-) and Employer gave him 3 year contract now and confirmed his position will be available for that duration, which is really the main requirement. I am so relieved as he loves working there and his job !

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I'm still confused I'm afraid. Did the same agent you are working with now handle your husband's skills assessment? If so, why did they advise you to go ahead with the assessment before? I'm not an accountant so don't understand what is involved with a skills assessment-are you using an agent like Alan Collett at Go Matilda who is an accountant himself and understands what is required?


Have you done thorough research on the potential for your husband to have a positive skill assessment? Although frankly it is not that much longer until Oct now I suppose.

What is your occupation/skill please?

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No, it was not the same agent. We had both our skills assessed when we were living in the UK with an agent over there initially and as we both have no degree, we were told we would not get in and only option was to look for employment on 457 which we then did. The agent he is using now is the company's agent actually who did his 457 and handles all such applications for them including perm residency ones. I am in HR, but administration and internal company recruitment. Again though, no degree - only experience. For the skills, I will make a note of that name you have given me and pass this on to my husband to look into. Maybe assessment is different if you have been living here a while as well perhaps and working in Oz in accountant role. The agent we used in the UK was back in 2005 and perhaps even it has changed since then. Our friends also tried though him then , but got in and are living in Brisbane for the past 3 years now as PR. Really appreciate the advise given here and will look into it and post back on thread once we know more. Thanks.

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Hi again. Although I'm an Aussie corporate lawyer I am living in New York City and it is late at night here so I cannot check right now. I will try and do some searching around for you tomorrow or Weds on the skill assessment for accountants without a degree. It may be that you can only do it with 2 yrs' experience via the 121 visa.

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