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what would you do? (sorry long post!)


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Hi everyone, we recently were granted our visas and were planning to more to Perth in the middle of July, OH was granted a 5 year career break and then when it came to jobs they were a bit scarce and far away from the away we wanted to be so it looked like a FIFO. The thing is I am pregnant and we already have 3 yr old and didnt like the idea of newly migrating and being on my own for long periods of time without him. So we decided to wait until next year so we could take our time finding a job and have the baby here so that I have my family around me. Now we hear that there could be a really well paid job in the area we like but its unlikely that they will wait till we can get there (earliest Nov) OH hasnt been given it yet or anything and we have already booked our return flights for the end of the month to validate our visa so no refund. If he got it it would mean coming back from our trip, packing up and then going back all before the baby is due in Oct. The other thing is that OH promised his boss that he wouldnt leave till the end of the year. We dont want to mess them around as they are still going to give him a career break but if we drop them in it its unlikely he'll get it, and thats our safety net in case after 18mths or so we want to come home. Our friend in Perth is telling us to just go if we get the job and not worry about it but thats not OH's way. Are we letting a golden opportunity go or doing the right thing? HELP!! :arghh:

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Guest mandisfam

Hi Sarah, You sound in a right old pickle. I dont have any advice for you, as I feel its a situation only you and your oh can decide what to do.


You say there is a good job you have heard of in Perth, has your oh been interviewed for it yet, if not you could be stressing about nothing.


Good Luck with the baby and everything else.



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Hi Sarah


Take a deep breath!!! It all gets so complicated when things happen outside of the order you plan. However, right now the only decision to be made is as to whether your hubby is going to try and interview for the job. If he gets that far and is then offered the job THAT'S when you need to panic!!! The job situation isn't great here at the moment - it's not dire, but if you have the offer of a good job then it might be worth taking up in th current climate.


Good luck, I hope things all work out for you.





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I think the decision now is how far do you want to go without a safety net?? if your hubby has agreed with his boss he will stay till the end of the year.. and you have said he is as good as his word.. should he be making himself available for work that will start right away.. so there has to be a decision made on that.. either way there has to be a comprimise.. if he takes the job he risks loosing the ability to return to his old one... and if its the right job and he turns it down he doesnt know when the next one will come along.... its a tough one... he could try and negotiate a new agreement with his current boss and see how that goes.... and with the baby coming will you be able to cope with all the changes about your maternty arrangments.. the birth etc.. and all the changes with a new baby in tow... packing up old home and life and setting up a new home and life.... all questions only you can answer... look at it this way,, most people dont get to go back to there old jobs if it all goes wrong....... they come to oz and have no safety net .....AND NOTHING TO FALL BACK ON...... so you have to decide if this is a move you are prepared to make without the net...... good luck in whatever you decide,, hope you make the right decision, things have a way of working themselves out if you dont jump in head first.. regards dizz...

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Personally, if I were pregnant I would have the baby in a system I know with the support of family/friends (if that's what you've got). I've no doubt maternity services here are great, but having already got a 3 year old, knowing what to expect will ease a lot of your anxieites. Moving house is one of the biggest stressors there is - add to that, moving country and having a baby potentially that's a lot of pressure.


Ali x

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Devils advocate , do you intend migrating or a long ho.liday ,only you can decide , sounds like your blokes firm are in the they wont last long brigade ( been there but was only family and friends) Personally emigrating is like poker , you are either all in or not


Your decision




Its a question of making a new life or just playin at it for a few years , cynical but true

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Guest guest17301

Having a baby is a stressful thing in itself...do you want extra stress by moving to Perth too? I would say best to sit tight..easy to say but these things have a habit of sorting themselves out..sit back do nothing. Whatever will be will be...I'm a firm believer in things happen for a reason. If you're meant to come out you will..maybe not just now though. If only I could take my own advice..things can look very complicated one minute then overnight things can change giving you a clearer picture of what is best..sorry to be so vague..:wacko:

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Guest marriedtoanaussie

I agree with staying in Uk until the end of the year at the vary earliest. Having a baby is such a magical time and should be shared with close family.Its worth so much more than a potential job offer.

You OH's company has gifted you a 5 yr sabatical!!!! in the current climate thats fantastic! PLease dont upset them. Enjoy your new baby and have a family Christmas-dont panic and Perth will still be there...

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Hi everyone, Thank you so much for your replies! We have decided to stay put and have the baby here where I know whats what! Means we all get to have Xmas with the family before we move. We decided not to go for the job but got our friend to submit our resume in case anything should pop up next year, you never know! I only hope that the mother-in-law now she has a bit more time to get used to the idea wont be as bad as what she has been over the last 6 mths with various hurtful comments being made to us but that might be wishing too much. Once again thanks so much, this site is a godsend! Sarah xx

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