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Winter boo!


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Great start to winter this week , first find out cant gewt any of me rudds money apparently due to over efficent tax agent I didnt pay any boo!. First rains yesterday ,prat pulls in front of me on my bike slight touch on brakes ,skating down the diesel laced road, tries to stand up and slips over (like ice) ,just bruises and a sore pride. Bike was gonna trade it in , keepin it now lost a grand on it will prang. Today cant move neck (like igor out of bloody dracula) threw sickie ,takes dog on park for ablutions , blowin a storm loud crack and half a tree lands next to me , went home changed underwear and decides not to venture out till spring

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Guest proud2beaussie

Sounds like a bad day all round Mally.

Glad to hear you weren't badly hurt though,could have been nasty.

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Sounds like a bad day all round Mally.

Glad to hear you weren't badly hurt though,could have been nasty.


Thanx ,was not very nice lookin up at the front axle of a semi (lorry) good job he was slowin for the lights

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Guest proud2beaussie

Maybe you should go to bed for the winter,:laugh:.

Oly kidding,probably the safest place though,no danger of getting run over or catching

swine flu and it cuts down on the heating bills.(especially if you've got someone else beside you to keep you warm :biggrin:)

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Guest Working to fish

Mally ,go buy a lotto ticket bud ,what goes around always come,s around.

I still have a neck brace if you would like me to send it to you.


Beer mate ,that will sort out the neck ,am sure.



easy but.


Take it easy with the down pipes for a day or to tho.:wink:

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Guest claire&fred

Sounds like you have had a crap week. However you still made me laugh! Pleased you are okay though. The wind and rain have been really bad. All our garden furniture is up against our fence and I had a yellow bucket I left outside which has disappeared never to be seen again!



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Sounds like you have had a crap week. However you still made me laugh! Pleased you are okay though. The wind and rain have been really bad. All our garden furniture is up against our fence and I had a yellow bucket I left outside which has disappeared never to be seen again!





The perth police will now have some proper work finding the yellow bucket , f***wits could not colve that either

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Guest claire&fred
The perth police will now have some proper work finding the yellow bucket , f***wits could not colve that either



Too bloody right. At least while they are looking for that their paper work should become less as they will stop sending me speeding tickets! I mean I drive a blimming Zafira and the only time that goes fast is down a hill with the wind behind it, and it is always me they catch not the hoon doing 90 who just went past!




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