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School Results

Guest Annemcx

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Guest Annemcx

Hi I am new to this site and hoping you can help.

Does anyone have any info on the school resuts in the various states.

I am looking at Adelaide and Brisbane at the moment.


Thanks for your help.



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Hi Anne and

welcome_graphics_05a.gif to PomsinOz!!!


Hopefully someone will be along soon to help you out,


Dan xx :cool:



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Not readily accessible really. Australia doesnt believe in league tables of any kind and the teacher unions will fight tooth and nail against them. You might find that some schools may put their NAPLAN profile on their websites - I know that WA schools seem to be doing that but other states dont. Occasionally you might find a newspaper article which ranks kids according to their Year12 results but I cant find them with a quick google at the moment. Nothing beats the eyeball test really combined with the back fence chat!

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Guest Annemcx

Thanks guys for the welcome and reply. That's what I'm finding no info anywhere on the school results.

All smoke a mirrors.

I agree with the eyeball test.

Would be nice to know where to start though!

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Thanks guys for the welcome and reply. That's what I'm finding no info anywhere on the school results.

All smoke a mirrors.

I agree with the eyeball test.

Would be nice to know where to start though!


A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldnt want to live in a place then you probably wouldnt want to send your kids to school there either and the converse is probably true. So, with the exception of choosing a school because it has a particular specialist program that would appeal to your child, schools are pretty much of a muchness and reflect the socio economic priorities of the catchment area. The crunch point is more likely to be where can you find a house that you are prepared to live in 24/7 - the school will most likely go along with this.


Good luck

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Hi there.


Can't give too much advice on individual schools, I'm afraid, but what Quoll say's about not going to a school in a suburb you wouldn't want to live, is very good advice - I like that.


What I do know is there are lot's of teachers, and passionate parents, on a sister site to this www.pomsinadelaide.com who I'm sure could answer most, if not all of your questions.


Good luck

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Guest kinda

Hi, I am looking for a primary school in north adelaide, not chosen a specific area to live yet moving over mid september. My children are aged 5 and 8 and I'm finding it difficult to find any information that would help us choose a school. Any recomendations would be greatly appreciated.

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