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Timing of container.


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Hi. What do most people do/recomend ship container roughly same date as they fly so they got time when they get there to find accomadation in suitable location then live out of suitcase for several weeks. Or ship so container arrives a week or so after them and hope they found unfurnished rental in right location. Same question about woofers fly them out earlier so they arrive just after you or before. One thing im cr*p at and thats planning lol.

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Guest kazzoo

Hi pez2008...this has been a dilemma of mine too lol i totally understand the living out of a suitcase for 8 to 12 weeks thing ... i cant even pack for a 2 week holiday so having to pack a more practical suitcase with clothes that are going to have to do for a long time is going to be near impossible for me ... But saying that i think once you get to Oz and if you find that you need something you can always buy it, but if you have not found a suitable unfurnished rental and your container arrives you are going to have to pay for storage and you may feel pressured into getting a rental in an area that your not really keen on ... we have decided to send our container a day before we fly and that way we will have between 8 to 10 weeks to find a suitable unfurnished rental in an area that we like while staying in a nice furnished rental ... I suppose we all need some kind of plan and that's what we have decided ... i hope i have helped you to make a decision and not confused you any more .... Oh!! by your woofers i take it you mean your dogs lol ... if you send them out before you fly out they will get there before you so then when you arrive you will be able to visit them and keep in contact with your dogs as they will have to stay in quarantine for a while, if you send them out along time before you arrive in Oz they wont have you there to visit them while they are in quarantine...for me i would send them a week before i fly.. i hope i helped you a little and made sense lol


Good luck with your decision and your move to Oz ... take care kaz

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Guest Chumley

we have used half a container which will take 8-12 weeks to arrive so decided to ship it out last monday which is five weeks before we go. That way you're sort of half way through before you arrive plus it's been alot easier borrowing chairs and airbeds from family here to get us through that it would be in Oz.





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After being here nearly 2 months and still waiting for container I would reccommend shipping way before you leave as at least in the UK you can borrow things of friends and family to get by etc, luckily we have a friend who lives here that has lent us things like duvets etc as these are expensive things to buy and its amazing how all the little things add up! We shipped our stuff a few days before we left but if we could go back and change it I would of done it about a month - 6 weeks, that way you have time when you get here to find somewhere more permanent to live.


Good Luck with it all


Zoe and Co xx

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Guest Chumley
Can i ask you the same question please who did you use for shipping, flights and Chumley your woofer and also costs if thats not too nosey. Also where are you heading and how did you choose that area.



We used PSS international removals and it cost £3147 for half a container and about £400 more for a full container we then paid 2.8% of the replacement value of our belongings as insurance, So for us in total it was about £3,900.


We are using parair for our pooch and that is costing £1,570 for the flight £138 for them to collect him from our house plus roughly another £300 if you take into account vaccinations, blood tests, insurance etc. You then have to pay for boarding at the quarantine facility which is $17.55 per day. plus other fees in OZ which come to another $200.


So all in all quite expensive!!! :chatterbox:



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Guest kazzoo

hi pez2008 ... We are using Atlantis and have about 450 cubic feet i think its about half a 20ft container at a cost of £1850 .. we are flying with Emirates and have booked direct with them using the Internet .. we fly on the 2nd of May and are going to Perth .. i can tell you we have loads of things to sort out as probably you do too, its an exciting time :jiggy:... ! Where are you going pez2008


kaz x

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We shipped the bits we were sending about 4 weeks before we were due to fly, remember its much easier to beg ,borrow and steal furniture and other bits there where you know people and have many friends than it is here knowing no-one. I also packed plastic cutlery,plates, sleeping bags etc into oneof our cases so at least we had the very basics with us.

Hope this helps a bit

Cal x

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We shipped the bits we were sending about 4 weeks before we were due to fly, remember its much easier to beg ,borrow and steal furniture and other bits there where you know people and have many friends than it is here knowing no-one. I also packed plastic cutlery,plates, sleeping bags etc into oneof our cases so at least we had the very basics with us.

Hope this helps a bit

Cal x


We are going to Adelaide on a 475 temp visa and got a price from singapore airlines, they only allow 20kg allowance on a temp visa if you got perm visa they give you 40 kg, a bit unfair i thought. So cant see us getting much stuff like sleeping bags in there.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Personally we sold all our furniture and just arrived with a few suitcases. However, from our clients that have shipped their furniture most of them have had problems with hold ups, one family had an extra 2 month to wait to the date they were first told.

I think as others have mentioned you need to ship your furniture at least 2 months before you travel, you can borrow from friends and family whilst your in the UK. When you arrive stay in a short term furnished property for around 4 weeks whilst you look around suburbs and find yourself a rental, by the time you have your rental your furniture should be nearly here.

In regards to pets I would be sending them the same time as you fly this way you have 4 weeks (whilst they are in quarantine) to find yourself a pet friendly rental.

Good luck.

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we shipped our stuff in a container sole use 20ft £3400 with PSS we didn't do the insurance as most of the stuff was sentimental. shipped it 2 months before we arrived and still had to wait 4 weeks after we arrived. camping chairs and blow up beds for a few weeks. We know nobody where we live but two neighbours lent us tv, tables, plates, cutlery etc. It was a nice introduction to our street where your neighbours actually put themselves out for strangers.

Our only problem with PSS was the company they used this end to unload our stuff, Unorganised, didn't give a monkeys about boxes with fragile written on etc etc. The only thing that saved any breakages was how well they packed it in UK. Aus company was from Brisbane.

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Guest zoensim

Hiya, if i had my time again i would have shipped it long before we set off ourselves. Our stuff was packed 9th january and we flew on the 12th.


I am getting a bit fed up now of sharing 2 deck chairs between the four of us,,,,kids always seem to get them too!


Good news is that i think it is finally in Australia at least and it may only be another 2 weeks....yipee!

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We used Britannia to ship our 20ft container. It cost us £4,300 including 16k value insurance.

Britannia were great, they carefully packed all our items and labelled them for us. The guys had been over to Oz and new exactly how to load the container so that it clears Aussie customs without fuss. We can track the vessel that all our worldly goods are on and it is due in Melbourne on time on the 24th March. We decided not to bring our bed and have bought a new one (bed sizes are different in Oz from the UK) so we have the mandatory camping chairs, and our bed and bedding. We have a very large rental in the burbs so yesterday we really pushed the boat out and bought a 50 inch flat screen!!! Honestly though, we have been out every evening, never felt fitter, so the only thing we miss is having familiar stuff aound the house, but even that will arrive soon!!

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Guest gary12

Send it the earlier the better. We shipped 9th Dec flew 18th Jan and it arrived last week. Most companies will give a free storage period here, ours gave 2 weeks. As everyone has said, it's a whole lot easier to borrow off family/ friends in the Uk. Also, if you are like us you won't want to start spending cash on things you know are in your container so we managed with just a towel each basic crocks and cutlery etc.


One thing to remember though, if sharing a container ask them how long they expect it to be before they will send, ours was sat for 4 weeks in the warehouse in the UK and although we had allowed for delays I have to say we didn't think it would take that long, then it was 13 days to clear customs, that went straight through no charges.


best of luck


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