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Q for nurses!!


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Im just wondering about unions.


Im with the rcn here and its generally a done thing in this country with joining a union for our liability insurance. How is it for Oz, anyone know?


ive yet to look into it, but does rcn/unison do international membership?


Any idea of who their equivalant are in Oz?

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Hi I'm in the Australian Nursing Federation, they have branches in every state and are similar to the RCN negotiating pay and conditions in the public sector


Australian Nursing Federation the link should provide a further link to your chosen state


Ali x



Like Ali (youngun says there is the ANF in oz oh a member, they are different to the uki in they have more clout here with the trusts



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I don't think directly, however, if they're the champions for the public sector, my guess is that the private sector will follow suit on pay for example. The ANF also advise on what employers can and can't do e.g. re contracts etc.,

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