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The Best and Worst things

Guest Mika

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Hi people,


Ok right here is ,


I'd like to play a game.....:huh:


I want to know what you all think are the best things about WA and what you all think are worst.


Pls give me three of each. Do it as a list or a sentence lets have some fun with this .


tell me what you think



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Brilliant beaches and outdoor life


Weather great summer ,wet cold winter the showers are mini monsoons


Recreation diverse





Rush hour on freeway lasts from 630 while 930 am 330 while 6 pm


Have to travel distances to go for a nite out


Everybody are car discilples worshippin the v8 and brag how many sets of tyres they have burned out


This is about Perth |metro WA is frecklin hoooooge ,this is one thing that takes gettin used to




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Agree with the rush hour - bad going into the city,

Perth Glory are rubbish,

My energy Bill is huge 'cos of the air con


ours isnt took fuse out MC thinks its broke:laugh:








It's a beautiful place

The beaches

The people i've met have been friendly and welcoming

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Nigel used to go around the house turning light switches off and the heating down in the UK, here it's the lights and the aircon. I'm sat in the dark on the computer sweating (still I may lose some weight).



He is in order lol. Dont like aircon gives you colds and costs money plus you gotta go outside at some time and it maked it 10 times worse , bad thing i did left the hosepipe on one night when i watered my plants water bill:shocked:


Another thing Wa is like little britain all the sport teams are crap




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And another thing the pointys ,we went to aqwa on a touristy day lol. .When you see those pointys in the tank with the teeh close up makes you think , but the blowies are the worst anooyin little sods millions in the water because they are toxic and have no predators even the feral cats wont touch em ,theyspoil your fishin and there poison is 10000 times more toxic than cyanide




Down with blowies

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Guest earlswood


Weather to hot or to cold, and it gets dark to early.

Beer is Rubbish, and the shops and pubs shut to early.

So many flies and mozzies, it becomes funny.



Huge spiders.



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Guest plumbobs



Weather is fantastic

Beaches and sea brilliant

People are so friendly and helpful




Senior schools, total lack of discipline

Graffiti, such a shame

Price of my chidrens favourite foods, yoghurts are so expensive!!!




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Guest courtney1997


*really friendly people

*the total opposite of stoke on trent

*lovely beaches


*too hot in summer

*no family here (not for long though read post wonderful nws)

*no oatcakes

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