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Any work for men in Bunbury husband has doubts big time !

Guest elly68

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I wrote on the forum before that when we started on this journey it was hubbies idea,unfortunately his idea has became my dream.The problem is I have a job as a nurse in Bunbury hosptal which we have paperwork for permanent employer sponsored visa had since nov and still not lodged .Brians career has been varied but after waiting since march 08 for paperwork he finally landed the job he has always wanted car and bonuses included. Everytime i mention this forum he gets cranky but since christmas i have been obsessive about this site and getting the paperwork together.

Well yesterday and last night we had a long chat and it turns out he feels with the global financial situation that he wont get a job with the prospects that this one has. If I am being honest most of it makes sense we can afford to wait 2 yrs and clear more of our debt watch the property market then sell up and go with more money in our pockets kids are 8 and 6 . We are 40 and 38 yes im older than him he accepts that i have always moved and adapted with his jobs and says he would go if i really wanted to. Have to say his health been bad last couple of years and he appears to be fixed and that i do have some reservations in case he gets unwell again unsure whether he will pass medicals for permanent visa as still under consultant so maybe some things are just not meant to be?

I do believe in fate or at least you make your own.I have some tough decision to make although i think i have already made them and will be opening the australia 2011 bank account pretty soon.:frown:

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I can understand your dilema, and if I were in your position I'd probably be having a few doubts myself. We moved here with our children being 11 and 7, and they've adapted/settled well, so if you waited they would still be young enough to fit in. I do think that you both need to be behind the move, it is a worrying time globally with jobs etc and I know Adey who lives in Bunbury has posted recently about her hubbies job security.


Regarding medicals, they're usually interested in the prognosis and if treatment is still required, if you wait 2 years as you suggest, then your hubby's treatment may be complete and he may feel easier about making the move.


There's no right or wrong decision .... just your decision ... which will be what's best for you and your family. Staying in the UK doesn't mean you can't remain obsessed with PIO - you'll still be doing research lol.


Good luck with whatever you decide ... you come across as being sensible and level headed ... you'll work it out


Ali x

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Thanks Ali to be honest I think i knew it was coming .I always believe that things happen for a reason and if the charge nurse had completed paperwork back in march then house would be sold and i would be in bunbury now .The job that Bri has got is really secure very unsual given the market so it looks like we will weather the recession here and save up money to get there with a healthy bank balance.as i said 2011

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I know how gutted you must feel after all the research, planning and dreaming, but I'm with your OH on this one. If he has been offered a great job perhaps he should stick with it for a while. Your kids are young and you can do the whole thing again in a couple of years without disrupting their schooling too much.


I don't know what your husband's job is, but I know that although we liked Bunbury area my OH wouldn't have moved there without a firm job offer. It's too small and too far from Perth. If you're a tradie I expect work goes on, but with the economic downturn I may be wrong. If you had regular work in the area or up at Mandurah it would be OK, but wages are not likely to be as high as in Perth. It's by no means certain he would find a job at all at the moment.


Can you bear to wait a couple of years and work hard at clearing debt then look at it again?

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Thanks kiwi its weird though as i said this was brians plan he is in logistics,he started the job in nov and the paperwork finally came through 2 days later ,thats what i mean by fate .looks like we will trade in the old caravan and tour this great isle first to be honest i would have been happy to move south england and back to sunshine and he may be able to relocate with this job in acouple of years .last year i went to jersey for a look see and got a job but the hospital looked derelict and it was the weekend of the really bad gales and the plane had a really hard time landing so i didnt go back as i said i do believe in fate.

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