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Visa application submitted - at last!!!


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Well, a year after deciding to do it - a year spent waiting for a replacement for pathway D, finally accepting there wasn't going to be one, getting qualifications, getting TRA application ready, passing TRA, waiting 10 weeks for Victoria state sponsorship.....we have finally submitted our 176 application online:jiggy:


On CSl and have state sponsorship so fingers crossed we won't have too long to wait. I have a TRN number and so can now join those of you who log on for a look for progress numerous times a day. It's a weird feeling - not an anti climax, just a bit surreal. Nothing else to do now apart from medicals, sell house, plan a move to the other side of the world etc!!! :unsure:


We had the house valued by two agents this week - one said £210K the other £175K - Huh!!! Not impressed as I was kinda hoping for nearer £225K. How they can come up with figures £35K apart though is beyond me! Got another couple coming this week so we'll see what they have to say.


Hopefully next post will be to say house sold and visas granted.


Best of luck to you all



Nicky x

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Guest ReadyPenny

Well done guys, it's hard work isn't it. Hope it happens for you soon and you WILL be compelled to keep checking your status page!! LOL

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