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when did hit you, your leaving?


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Well today is the first day thats hits hit home that we are leaving soon, we have been in this never ending bubble for nearly two years ... are we going will we get the visa , and then we got it.. i today said cheerio to some of my clients, as im a hairdresser and some of them have followed me pillar to post, and it was today i got a leaving card .... and that was it:shocked: blimey we are off in 5 weeks ..... so much to do and still doing the same every day stuff surreal is that the word? sad , exciting , how many emotions and more to come the heavy family bits , im dreading that!

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hi tania , id love to carry on hairdressing im really sad i love my job, my worry is i have to go back to colledge in wa , and resit exams .. i don't mind its just new country life and all the stress when will i get time ? i probably will though saying that i have to wait and see what child care is like etc costs etc..


no none of my clients are coming out there all moaning like b***ery about what they are going to do , lol you know what they are like bless

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Guest 2pigs3piglets

hi there the andrews,

seen as your leaving does that mean your buying the sweets for everyone on pio,

im looking forward to the white chocolate mice yum yum.

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hi guys ... we too leave in 5 weeks ...but it aint sunk in yet !!!!! we dont leave work till week before so i daresay thats when it will kick in lol ..... what date do you fly and with whom ... we go 1st march with emirates

mrs keily

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Yes mine are saying that now, one client said to me on Saturday i will have to think about having my hair cut and permed before you go, we still haven't got our visa yet, but it is difficult, when they have stuck by you for 15 years or more

Tania X

lol i had one who told me last week i had really upset her and i don't mean in a nice way .... she asked me what we were doing with our daughter? hmmm

im taking her with us i replied , she just glared , the girls in the salon were laughing their heads off .... oh yeah i lurrvvve my job:wink:

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hi guys ... we too leave in 5 weeks ...but it aint sunk in yet !!!!! we dont leave work till week before so i daresay thats when it will kick in lol ..... what date do you fly and with whom ... we go 1st march with emirates

mrs keily

hi ya , were going 2nd march to perth from heathrow with quantus... we finish work on the 25th and 28th , its weird eh ?

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Guest 2pigs3piglets

hi there sis,

you wll be fine, the family love you and so do i,

im just thinking you have us coming over to live with you that would be some thing to look forward to lol,

oh i will miss you all x x x x x

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That was the thing for me too - when I started telling clinets that I was leaving, saying goodbye to colleagues and knowing you'd probably never see them again, the shippers coming and standing in an empty house was the final thing for me ... that was it we no longer had a home. But it can be worth all the tears ... we're having a good time here.



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Guest Guest9973

It's a weird time for ou now - like being in limbo and some puppet master has your emotions on strings - and they keep pulling em' at random!


It never actually hit me until I sat down on the plane!!!:wink:

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Guest rileyosian

We're going on the 24th February - 4 weeks away. It only started to hit us that we're really going when the flights were booked a few weeks ago, we have moments of madness, the odd scream of excitement, some tears here and there but it still seems surreal. We have loads to do but I think we're being a bit too laid back at the moment for it to sink in. Will update you as soon as it really hits home although knowing us it'll when we've been there 6 months!


Wishing you all a safe journey!!

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Guest sexkit001

is it only 5 weeks away !!!! didnt realise it was that soon... although it has been so long to get to this part I bet it feels not like it has gone quickly.... dont need to tell you to make the most of the next 5 weeks, I cant even imagine what we will do when we finally get to where you are now xxxx

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Guest JoanneHattersley

It hit me with a huge wallop the day the visa came! I knew as soon as the visa came that was it! We had to leave quick smart due to my job.


I just sat and cried and kept saying "we really are going now!!"


I kept telling everyone before that, that we were moving house and they were overreacting! LOL!

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