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Health advice - Can anyone help?


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I'm having a really bad time at work at the moment (new line manager decided to make my life hell)


She's had my hours cut and my pay cut (nice lady)


Anyway, what I want to know is this - If I go to the doctors and go off sick with stress, will it go against me when I go for my medical?


Will it have any detrimental affect on me going to Oz?


Punching her lights out was my other option but definitely don't want a police record :policeman:


Would it be better to wait till after I have my medical (if I haven't topped myself by then)?

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Hi! I don't know what to suggest I'm afraid... I'm just very sorry to hear about your boss... I really hope things improve for you...


Another reason for you to move to Oz!


Dan xx :-)

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I'm having a really bad time at work at the moment (new line manager decided to make my life hell)


She's had my hours cut and my pay cut (nice lady)


Anyway, what I want to know is this - If I go to the doctors and go off sick with stress, will it go against me when I go for my medical?


Will it have any detrimental affect on me going to Oz?


Punching her lights out was my other option but definitely don't want a police record :policeman:


Would it be better to wait till after I have my medical (if I haven't topped myself by then)?



Sorry to hear that you have a boss from hell.


And i can't help you with your medical question - But can she do that to you? i would be seriously looking at my contract if i were you to check to see if she has the power to reduce your pay and hours. Can you take this further the line of command?.



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I just want to get out of there as soon as possible - she has made up a load of lies about me and convinced the higher ranks that she is telling the truth.

I have got enough going on thinking about medicals, visas, police checks etc to even begin to put up a fight. :(


I want to leave today (or at least go on sick)

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Hi, sorry to hear that you're Boss is a swinehound!


I would recommend initially making a diary and trying to get a few dates down as to what has happened. Better to have them in writing so that you can check them later and keep to the same story if there is any grief. (Of course this is the last thing that you want at the mo).


Your other options could be to joing a trade union like the TGWU or one specific to your trade. Unison I think are also one that can cover a range of occupations. They could give you some advice and also work on your behalf against the employer of they are being difficult.


You should also have a look at the grievance policy at your work as they may have specific rules about how things are done and if they have not been followed correctly then it will look better for you. I think that if you have a person in HR that you could speak to, they can advise you about the grievance procedures. There is also some stuff on employment law that you sould check out online. Don't know where'd be best but www.Direct.gov may help.


Alternatively if you have an Occupational Health Dept then they can also be of some benefit as they are there to help avoid people becoming sick and going off work. The GP is there to help but I would imagine that they would check your medical history. If you go to your GP they will be able t offer advice and support which can in itself be invaluable and may point you in the right direction.


I think if you can stick it until you have your medical then the report may have been written but the GP could advise you better depending on your specific circumstances. Punching their lights out, (however therapeutic) unfortunately is not an option.


Good Luck! Unfortunately I think that there's a few people in similar positions to you at the mo. Keep your chin up and smile through it as I am sure your life is gonna improve once you leave Blighty!


All the best!


(If you do decide to punch them in the eye cover your fist in vicks vapo rub for that longer lasting satisfaction! ONLY JOKING!!)

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I had a similiar situation years ago. I went and explained it all to the doctor, who I did not know very well, and he agreed that to take time out would be helpful to me. I explained that I did not want words like depression on my medical file in case they came back to haunt me later.

He signed me off as having Neurasthenia (not sue about spelling). he described it as a little used Freudian concept which did'nt really mean anything, could mean anything, but time out was required.

It has never bitten me and gave me a bit of time to join a union. In the end i just left and got another job!

Life throws up some very sad people, gosh am I grateful I'm not one of them!


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Guest juliemtaylor

Hi I have been of work last year with stress because of work, in fact I was signed off from April to August when I finally quit. The day I did this I felt so much better and now I am in a better job with really nice people. The only thing is I am not telling them of my plans yet!!! I have had a bout of depression before and I do not consider wither time to adversely affect my application to Oz as others have got in with far worse conditons. I think it is all a question of money and your burden on the economy. Good luck and remember you are far more important that any job.


Julie x

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Well things have gone from bad to worse :(


She has got so far up their arses that I nearly got disciplined.


I have explained everything to my union and he advised me (as it is a school and because the dep head is married to the Chair of Govs and they are best friends with the Head and his wife) - Although I have got a good case for constructive dismissal because of the things that have been said to me and about me - he wouldn't recomend taking them on because they will all pull each others strings and turn it round as if it's me (he's seen it happen before)


My psoriasis has come back, I can't sleep, I'm not eating very much and just feel generally sad! I couldn't face going in today and probably same tomorrow.


I have got till next Thursday then to either get a new job (not very likely), go to the doctors or go back to work :(

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Hi Dianne, I am really sorry to hear that things have got worse. Good for you though speaking to your union. I would definately advise going to the GP as he/she will be able to document what has been happening and that your skin condition is worse as a result. The good news is that sunshine is in general good for Psoriasis! :mask:


If you work at a school then you should have a council OH provider who will be able to help hopefully. If you are off sick as a result of the stress then that cannot be helped. Your Dr can chat to you about any impact that that may have on your fitness for your visa.


This could take time but hopefully you can get another job that will tide you over until you make the move. Often the grass is greener elsewhere. Especially if you are standing in the Brown stuff at present!


I am presuming that you are saying that you have until Thursday as that will be a week and after then you need a sick line. When you have people that are in bed with one another in higher levels then as your union guy says it is gonna be tough! Good luck but you can always take out a grievance against them? At least then the issue goes above them and into HRs hands. The Union will also be able to support in that as well.


Best of luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Samfire

Sorry to hear about the sh*!~y time you're having in work! This happened to me too - not as directly though. In the end, I went out of work sick (2005) as I had blood pressure issues during my pregnancy and spent some time in and out of hospital until my son was delivered. After so much time in hospital (missed my son's communion)and having had a c-section, it all came to a head and I suffered a bout of depression (it was also a build up over time with the pressure from work) - like a mini breakdown! The one thing I learned from all this, is that you have to look out for your health, in particular your mental well-being. I always regret not coming out of work sooner on stress leave or dealing with the problem head on! This sort of workplace issue is pretty common these days, and not so taboo as before. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it's the best decision for you, not anybody else.


My blood pressure never settled down after the baby, and in addition to anti-depressant medication, I remain also on blood pressure tablets. I applied for retirement on the grounds of ill-health at the age of 33 (as I could not face returning to work). The independant doctor approved me for retirement stating evidence of two medical conditions (he did not explicitly say what they were or reveal the nature of these conditions in his report).


I have improved mentally since then, without the stress and pressure of a working environment and I am trying to loose some weight put on by the anti-depressants (I used to be such a skinny thing) so that my blood pressure might reduce further, prior to my medical exam for the visa. But I am worried that this will go against me, with the added fact that I am pensioned. I know depression on its own is not significant grounds for refusal, but if anyone can offer any advice, I would be grateful.


I am planning to bring my Section A of the Med form to my GP and have him help me fill it in, according to his records. That way, I can be sure that he will stand over any queries that may arise. I am also planning to get a letter from him to bring with me to the medical, which will explain/re-assure that my illness is not serious or life-threatening. Should I be ok, or do I need to worry????:eek:

I hope things work out for you one way or the other in work. I'm sick to my stomach even thinking of it! Hang in there.


Sorry for the essay - I'm on a roll!!!!!



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Hi Samfire, sorry to hear that you've had a hell of a time of it lately! You are spot on about looking after yourself first and foremost. One thing that some people don't realise is that if we are medically retuired it does not neccessarily mean that we will stay that way for the rest of our lives. We may well become well enough to return to work, perhaps not in that field, role or full time. It is usually the pension provider's decision whether or not someone can be retired on medical grounds and doesn't mean that we can't go and get work to suppliment our income. With Blood Pressure I hope that it settles down, perhaps the medication will work and keep it at a good level. Work can be of great benefit to our health both physical and mental. It can have a large impact on depression and anxiety. According to the EU about 11% of Europeans have depression at any one time.


Unfortunately I can't help re the Ozzie medical conditions but the GP is the right person to advise you. Good Luck!




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Hi Diane


I think the two fundamental things to consider are


1. The visa application - which visa, and is it against you or hubbys occupation?


2. How far are you in terms of visa progress?


You've had some great advice...particularly - diarying the bullying. Also try and get witnesses to any seeking out this lady maybe doing in relation to you and your work.




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Guest Samfire
Hi Samfire, sorry to hear that you've had a hell of a time of it lately! You are spot on about looking after yourself first and foremost. One thing that some people don't realise is that if we are medically retuired it does not neccessarily mean that we will stay that way for the rest of our lives. We may well become well enough to return to work, perhaps not in that field, role or full time. It is usually the pension provider's decision whether or not someone can be retired on medical grounds and doesn't mean that we can't go and get work to suppliment our income. With Blood Pressure I hope that it settles down, perhaps the medication will work and keep it at a good level. Work can be of great benefit to our health both physical and mental. It can have a large impact on depression and anxiety. According to the EU about 11% of Europeans have depression at any one time.


Unfortunately I can't help re the Ozzie medical conditions but the GP is the right person to advise you. Good Luck!




Thanks Scozzie! Good advice I must say! I think down the line I would be more than happy to do something outside of the home. I'd love to do some voluntary work, but that will depend on whether or not I will be able to afford to work without being paid for it. I suppose if the hours were limited, I could do this as well as a few hrs p/t somewhere. For the immediate future while the kids are small, I'll probably just stay at home and see what develops.


Thanks again for your reply and suggestions.



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Well, I managed to go back to work and lasted all of 3 hours before I couldn't take anymore! :wacko:


Went straight to the docs who signed me off for 3 weeks with work related stress (no medication I explained the visa thing to her)


I'm due to go back to work next Thursday so will be heading straight back to docs for another sicknote. My psoriasis is getting worse and even when I think about those 3 people who are bullying me out of a job my heart starts pounding and I feel sick. Did I mention they have already replaced me with one of the Governors who has been desperate for my job for over a year and who just so happens to be the Learning Managers Daughter in Law!


Anyway thanks for everyone's advice. I'm just trying to work out my finances and am going to try and persuade hubby to let me resign (he wants me to find somewhere else first).


Hubby might be taking me away to Lanzarote next week for my 40th, don't think you're really meant to go on holiday when your off sick but what can they do? SACK ME? :biggrin:

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Guest Samfire

Hey Diane! Well done! You took some kind of action anyway, and if you're psoriasis is acting up, it seems like a little time-out will do you the world of good. I know that bills have to be paid etc. but I assume you will be paid to some degree while you're out sick??? If so, use the time to find another job - (after you've chilled out for a few days and just put your feet up!!!). As I said before, look out for yourself and your health - if you don't, nobody else will.


Take care and keep us posted.



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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I'd update!

Was off work for a total of 10 weeks and sent my resignation in with my last sicknote - I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooooooooo

Yes I've probably let them win but they didn't deserve to have me anyway did they?

Thanks for being there everyone :)

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Hi D, congrats on the new job, Just to say:


a) You are allowed to go on holiday when you are sick. Some employers even allow you to have the annual leave back as it is technically sick leave, Lanzarote though they may grumble about:arghh:


b) You are the wiiner not them as you are out of the hellhole and into a new job, as you say they are not worthy!


c) The sun is usually good for Psoriasis so hols are virtually prescribed!

Take care and all the best!




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Guest jbro31

Diane I have just read your story with great interest and my god did it fire me up something chronic I am gagging at the bit to have at them! Jesus, you are a way better person than me because I'd be waiting for them in the supermarket car park and leave the biggest deepest effin scratch down the sides of their cars along with letting their tyres down! Maybe pathetic but by god it would give me some satisfaction the evil pigs.

I do know that what goes around comes around and they WILL get their come uppance that is for sure. Wishing you all the best, enjoy your new job and when you get over here you will LOVE it. xxxxx

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I do know that what goes around comes around and they WILL get their come uppance that is for sure. Wishing you all the best, enjoy your new job and when you get over here you will LOVE it. xxxxx


I must 2nd what goes around comes around you might not be there to see it but enjoy your new job and let them live with what they have done.:wink:

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Guest joebogie

Hi as a Gp I would be happy to sign you off for a bit of time out but would want you to think about what you were going to do in the medium term? If you are completely honest and explain it is a situational thing ie an acute stress reaction that should not affect your medical, it doesn't sound like you are clinically depressed so there is no need for words like that to be on your records.


Not sure how far along the visa route you are or what time frame you are looking at, OH a good place to see after your GP x As soon as you know re visa then perhaps you can simply tread water there, knowing there is light etc. Just remember you are the only one that can let you feel that way, if they are bullying just think how sad their lives must be to feel the need to do it, start trying to see how sad they are and feel sorry for them instead of angry/anxious/upset, being exceptionally nice in return to their actions will throw them very off balance and will feel empowering for you!



hope that helps x

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Guest Samfire
Just thought I'd update!

Was off work for a total of 10 weeks and sent my resignation in with my last sicknote - I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooooooooo

Yes I've probably let them win but they didn't deserve to have me anyway did they?

Thanks for being there everyone :)

Hi Diane! That's just great!!! I am delighted that you got a new job and that you're out of that horrible situation. It's fine in theory to say that we should not have to put up with miserable work situations and bullying, but in reality, it's not always as simple and easy to sort it out - you did the right thing and got out of there! Don't worry about medicals now. You have a new job and you'll be in great spirits - Best of luck with the new job and the rest of the application process. Hope you'll be much happier now.

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I had a similiar situation years ago. I went and explained it all to the doctor, who I did not know very well, and he agreed that to take time out would be helpful to me. I explained that I did not want words like depression on my medical file in case they came back to haunt me later.

He signed me off as having Neurasthenia (not sue about spelling). he described it as a little used Freudian concept which did'nt really mean anything, could mean anything, but time out was required.

It has never bitten me and gave me a bit of time to join a union. In the end i just left and got another job!

Life throws up some very sad people, gosh am I grateful I'm not one of them!



If it's neurothasia then it means nervous exhaustion. If you do have some time off with stress then it won't be a major thing for the medicals - you just declare it on your form and ask your GP to write you a letter, to take with you for your medicals



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