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brat pregnant


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hi can any-one help us we have applied for a 175 visa back in aug 08 were waiting for a co at mo there is 4 of us my self my husband our 11 year old son and a 17 year old daughter who was studying hairdressing and was comeing as a dependant then she turned 18 met a boy and got pregnant now does not want to go we dont want to pull visa and start again but we dont want a problem at later date as she wont be comeing does anyone know what we have to do would it make adifference if we left her there on the visa then said she didnt want to go when we activate

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Hi there!


What a dilemma!


Maybe your daughter could remain on the visa and go out to validate the visa on a holiday... then she has five years I believe to go and live there... in case she changes her mind!


Hope that helps!


Dan :emoticon-signxmas:

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If you haven't had the medicals yet, then it may delay your application due to her being pregnant, as in general it's not recommended to have non essential x-rays when pregnant. Have a look on the immigration website, I'm sure there's a change in circumstances form.


I think it would be difficult (but not impossible) for her to remain on the visa application due to by the time you're ready to go there would be a baby and she would need permission from the father to take the baby out of the country. It may be worth speaking to an agent (if you don't already have one) or send an email to immigration.



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I agree. If your daughter validates with you, not only will she have a nice holiday but she will be able to move to oz as described.


I wish her well and hope all goes according to plan.



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Guest Gollywobbler
hi can any-one help us we have applied for a 175 visa back in aug 08 were waiting for a co at mo there is 4 of us my self my husband our 11 year old son and a 17 year old daughter who was studying hairdressing and was comeing as a dependant then she turned 18 met a boy and got pregnant now does not want to go we dont want to pull visa and start again but we dont want a problem at later date as she wont be comeing does anyone know what we have to do would it make adifference if we left her there on the visa then said she didnt want to go when we activate



Hello martinsamba


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


You can add people to or subtract them from your visa application at any time before the visa is granted. That bit is not a problem.


I'm not sure but I have a feeling that DIAC's policy in your situation is to say that your daughter is in a relationship with someone and is therefore no longer dependent on you. If my hunch is right then your CO might insist that you withdraw your daughter from your application.


If you are allowed to leave your daughter on the application but she then refuses to validate her visa, eventually DIAC will cancel her visa. It will have no effect on the visas for yourself, OH and your son.


Are you using an Agent? If so, it is his/her job to know how to sort this situation out and I would demand value for money. If you are not using an Agent, the ASPC are normally very helpful when you (eventually) manage to get them on the phone.


Contact Us - Department of Immigration and Citizenship


Best wishes



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We had a similar situation with our children, without the added complication of a pregnacy


When we started they were both in full time education so dependant, they were dependant when we lodged the application BUT by the time it was granted one had finished Uni and the other one had deferred a place at Uni. They stayed dependant because neither of them worked full time or in a permanent job and they still lived at home. We provided evidence of thier dependance on us for food, shelter and clothes.

By the time we actually moved over here both of them had decided not to come with us at this time - BUT they did both come to validate thier visas so they now have 5 years to make the move - and we will see where we all are at that point (hopefully all living here and happy)


The pregnacy and the partner are a big complication that may mean you have to remove her from your application.


I hope you manage to sort it out, PM me if you want to talk it through a bit more, I have been there with bells on, this time last year I was an emotional wreck.


Karen :wubclub:

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hi can any-one help us we have applied for a 175 visa back in aug 08 were waiting for a co at mo there is 4 of us my self my husband our 11 year old son and a 17 year old daughter who was studying hairdressing and was comeing as a dependant then she turned 18 met a boy and got pregnant now does not want to go we dont want to pull visa and start again but we dont want a problem at later date as she wont be comeing does anyone know what we have to do would it make adifference if we left her there on the visa then said she didnt want to go when we activate


If possible I would carry on with the Visa application with her included because at her age a few weeks can make a difference in a relationship let alone a few months. She will need your support and guidance at this time (even if she doesnt know it yet!)

Best wishes to you.

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Guest retiringgraham

And I thought all the work and worry that we have been though over the last 18 months to get as far as we have was bad enough (we just waiting for the nod as security checks and meds done 9th december)


I wish you the best of luck and hope it all works out well

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hi yea we have had medicals and as far as i know all passed, but catherine dosnt want come anymore she has this new boyfriend now ,and i think baby was just to make sure she didnt need to come. It will be the hardest thing i have ever had to do, leave her here ,but i know for the rest of my family and the fact tht house is sold life is packed ,we have to i just dont want any surprises that we should of withdrawn and started again as she isnt comeing not sure on rules that we all need to activate together

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The primary applicant has to be the first to validate (which may just be the first of your family to go through immigration). There is a date by which you have to make your first initial entry (a year after either medical or PC check), your daughter does not have to validate with you, but must validate before the first date on your visa. I would take some advice though on if she choses to validate within the valid period and already has the baby - I don't know where she's stand with the baby not being on any visa.


Hope it all goes well



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that is so good to know as she wont be comeing with us, and not sure where her future lies, but dont want to close all doors, so if we can continue and we can all go and activate without her, and if things still same as now they will just remove her ,that gives us time to think about where she goes from here, and for us all to talk again. as at mo haveing problem with comeing to terms with this so close to us doing the big move, but she has made it clear she dose not want to come this will be the hardest thing we will do

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