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tickets are booked.......oh my gosh I'm scared

welsh in oz

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Finally booked our tickets for 14th March (£1080 for both of us, cheap do you think?).


Whittled down what we are taking to a few boxes with Excess Baggage... sold the sofa for the price of a ticket....told work I am leaving....planned the leaving party...found out about transferring my pension to aus and making volutary NI and Student Loan payments....sorted out interviews...place to live etc etc



For gods sake! How annoying! He has been whinging for 5 years about going home now we've got 14 weeks left in MY home he's about to chicken out and I'm the one that cant wait!


Anyone else had this? Or am I just unlucky!

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Totally understand where you coming from. Been with my husband 17 years all that time saying how he would go tomorrow if it wasn't for me I never could then after having children and seeing them grow so fast I have changed my mind took 3 months talking then he committed to starting the process. Have gone with an agent hope he doesn't get itchy feet or me for that matter LOL good luck and enjoy your new life in OZ DonnaX

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Cor..I hope not.

Change is always difficult and upsets some people.

Maybe once you`re there he can relax and settle.Have you got family there?

I hate change, but I also crave it !! I think I find it exciting!!

Maybe it`s the process of the change that is stressing him?

All the best.

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yeah, all Max's family are over there and I have quite a few friends over there so I'm sure we will be fine. I think he's just worried about fitting in and getting a good job etc etc. Plus I guess now we will be one of those couples that never really fits in, silly things like our accents will never be 100% aussie (for him) and pom (for me) we are detined to be POZZ for life!


he will be fine as soon as he gets off the plane, then it's me that will be a quivering wreck!

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Guest earlswood

Why worry, you are a young couple going without kids, treat it as a big adventure and if it does not work out you have lost nothing except a ticket home and the bonus of a great experience.

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Huge 396.gif on booking the flights!!!


Lots of Luck for the move and I really hope your OH doesn't decide he wants to come back to the U.K!


Dan xx

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