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I have a problem


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Sorry to all I may of upset as my problem is not been sympathetic & thoughtful enough in my posts. I think been blunt might help me but others may be not. SORRY

Im pretty straight up myself Kirk and quite often can come across a bit harsh - I don`t mean it though - sometimes I type quicker than I can engage my brain. At least you are thoughtful enough to realise that it may come across wrong and apologise:smile:

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Guest guest17301
Sorry to all I may of upset as my problem is not been sympathetic & thoughtful enough in my posts. I think been blunt might help me but others may be not. SORRY



The first step to recovery is acknowledging that you have a problem in the first place:twitcy: But seriously, good on you for posting this, lots upset folk and think nothing of it...shows you're kind/thoughtful after all. When you're feeling vulnerable a harsh post can tip you over! We're all on here to help and get help, nothing wrong with that. Best wishes, Fiona

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Guest Angie*mark

Good on u for posting an apology.........no probs wiv u on my end but well done.........takes alot for someone to say sorry.


Angie xx

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sorry to all i may of upset as my problem is not been sympathetic & thoughtful enough in my posts. I think been blunt might help me but others may be not. Sorry


no probs here guys .....there are plenty on here who seem to get away with whatever they like .....and your name is not one that springs to mind ....takes guts to apologise though ....i know cause i have had to do it myself !!!

Mrs keily

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Sometimes, no offence has been intended at all - it's just the written word comes across differently than how it's intended, and quite often the mood of the person reading it .. I have to admit I've been in a bad mood and misread something.


I haven't had any problems with your posts personally ... but thanks for the apology anyway


Ali x

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