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Leeds expo last wkend


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Hi everyone, well, went to the expo at the weekend and all of you who said it was rubbish were right !! The only jobs that were there were, construction, engineering and medical. There were no estate agents, school representatives or TRA representatives. Just each state government reps and the immigration reps. some removals companies and banks. We had been round it in an hour and then decided to go sight-seeing in leeds instead. Leeds is great, that' the first time we have been, it is really good for shopping and the restaurants are fantastic. So all was ot wasted !

Anyone thinking of going, DON'T !! you can find out all the info yourself on-line.

Karen xx :smile:

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The more i read the more depressed im getting :sad:, myself and my partner (qualified carpenter/joiner) are due to go to the london expo this weekend and was really counting on it, the emails you get from them saying bring cv's etc etc really gets you thinking yeah lets go its gonna be well worth it and people on here are saying dont bother...

What do you do?? HELP......:wacko:


Hayley x

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Hi Hayley,

We took 6 cv's with us and gave out 1 to the qld government stand. On the website it says that a co called Freemantle Furniture are going to be there and they wern't. I was hoping there was going to be estate agents, the only one was for WA there was 1 emigration agent. If you already have tickets booked, you might aswel go, but if you haven't, then i def wouldn't bother going. You can find out all the info you need on-line. What stage are you at wth your plans ? If you want some website address's just ask.

Karen xx

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Guest Paul_compy

The London expo last year was pretty good, I left with a massive bag on info from most states & am moving over in 2 months!


The talks they gave on each state were also really helpfull & gave me a good idea of where to head.


They had everything from Vetasses to removal companies all giving talks on what to do and how to do it. Would go again if I wasn't already on my way :D

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I think they are fine if you are just starting and don't know anything about going. If you've already done some research and if you are prepared to look people up on the web then you can get all the info that way isntead.

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the leeds expo was definitely disappointing, downunderjobs was the only stand that had accounting and IT opportunities - everything else was medical or engineering. having said that we picked up 3 full bags of info on queensland, victoria and south australia so that was good - personally i like flicking through books and paper guides rather than just looking at websites. Not that it makes any difference, think the OH is still set on melbourne.


defo would only recommend going if you have only just started thinking about going to australia.

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I was wondering whether to pop into the London this weekend.... just because my OH works in Local Government and saw the SA State Government are there. Does anyone one know if they are there just to act as sponsors - we already have our visas and just want some info on job opportunities - or even better job offers!

Cant be bothered to sort out the whole babysitter thing if its a load of rubbish!

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Thanks karen, we already have tickets so we may just go along and take it from there it cant harm anything apart from the bank balance......

I would really appreciate any information you can give me aswell as email address,

We'v already spoke to an agent who says we qualify on points and that my partner will have to pass exams etc (qualified carpenter/joiner).

I just really want to quickest route out of here my family are already out there in wodonga victoria so i really want to be there asap.

Thanks again

Hayley x x x

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Leeds expo is sh1te. It's too small and no bugger comes. Stick to Bars and shopping in Leeds tbh.


London should be a lot better. After all Aus House --> London expo is a cab ride. Aus House --> Leeds Expo is train/plane and hotel. Also lots of Aussie companies have offices in London.


GL ;-)

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I work in Leeds so I thought I might go across. The one in Esher was huge so I thought this would be the same. £15 for nowt!!. (£20 if you count parking) I was really disapointed. No info. for Trades (for my son).


I hope you lot had a peek at the Armouries though, it's free and has some good stuff in there.


Sue X

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You can send your C.V. and 'expression of interest' to Brisbane council. You can get the site address off the net. I think it is www.brisbane.gov.au but check it out first. Just saw the melbourne bit. They also have a couple of sites. try www.victoria.gov.au


Warnnambool is cool quite near there is Mortlake, both victoria, just off the ocean road and I beleive both have websites.. Warnnambool is large enough but Mortlake is tiny but well contained. It [Mortlake]has a public pool, bowls, horseriding, races, golf, college (school really), go-karting nearby, and you can go fosicking in Mount Shadwell. I think it's Perido they find there. (yellowish to green gem stone - probably spelt wrong). Any how it's got a post office, pub, cafe but only a 'one horse town' if you know what I mean. Definitelt no taxi's lol. It has it's own shire office (local council to us)and there is even the pie and cake factory that is supposed to feed the whole of Australia. Sorry but I was quite took up with this place.


Message for Hope2


Sue XX

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