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Filthy & dangerous


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Guest spottymercedes

We are in Pakenham and the playgrounds are not too bad. A bit of graffitti, but nothing major. Some days there are dog poo's and some days not many, the main problem is broken glass bottles, not always in the playgrounds, just the general footpaths. My daughter who is 4 often picks up the bottles which have yet to be smashed and carrys them home because she knows they will be smashed if left there. The footpaths outside our school are often full of broken glass and it makes me so mad. People obviously sweep it up as sometimes it has gone. If I ever catch any of those who break the bottles I dread to think what I would say.

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Not too bad by us. We use a short underpass to get to the school, and there were loads of broken glass under there. Terrible!

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Guest scot-aussie-scot

the negative responses on here about conditions in Oz does surprise me. This is one of the main things we would be moving to Oz for - somewhere safe, clean to bring up our kids.


Where we live in Dunfermline is a nice part of town but you do have to pay over-the-odds in UK to live in a nice place. I didn't think this was such a problem in Oz? - ie no such thing as massive council estates etc In a village outside Dunfermline we have heard of up to 200 youths congregating an causing misery for residents and the police are powerless to deal with the little ****s. This is the sort of thing that really gets on my goat in the UK and didn't think was a problem in OZ. If it is then it's one less reason to move, and quite an important one from our perspective.

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The parks that I go to are really nice (Sydney- Ryde area). But Earlswood is right it depends on the area you live. I live in a nice area so don't have a problem but all parks in Oz are not like that, so think wisely about whereabouts you relocate to.

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the negative responses on here about conditions in Oz does surprise me. This is one of the main things we would be moving to Oz for - somewhere safe, clean to bring up our kids.


Where we live in Dunfermline is a nice part of town but you do have to pay over-the-odds in UK to live in a nice place. I didn't think this was such a problem in Oz? - ie no such thing as massive council estates etc In a village outside Dunfermline we have heard of up to 200 youths congregating an causing misery for residents and the police are powerless to deal with the little ****s. This is the sort of thing that really gets on my goat in the UK and didn't think was a problem in OZ. If it is then it's one less reason to move, and quite an important one from our perspective.


Snap I was born in Dunfermline, glad my Mom left 33 years ago if its like that now. Anyway.......In Oz it very much depends where you live, there are bad areas and good areas. Obviously the good areas are more expensive so you have to fork out money to give your kids a better upbringing. Its not perfect here, I was saying to my husband last night, that people moving over here think its paradise, its not, it has good and bad like everywhere else. Goodluck!

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Our park is ok good quality play equipment but older children sprayed graffiti all over the floor. Surrounding fields full of dog poo hardly anyone cleans up after dog. Needless to say I dont let my children run free through fields.


Do people clean up after dogs in oz?



Some do some don't. If other people are around then they normally will pick it up,but with the amount lying on paths and reserves I guess that if no one's around then they don't bother.

The thing that amazes me is the people who do the picking and then just drop the bag behind a convenient wall or hedge rather than carry it home or to the nearest bin.

By law you are required to carry bags when out with your dog, and I've been told that if a dog warden stops you and you don't have any with you then you can expect a fine.


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Our local parks are fine. (One was so badly vandalised though previously, that they re-developed it into a toddler/ infant children's park only). The park for small kids still gets older kids hanging about on it (14/15yrs olds), but there has been no damage in the last 2 years since it was redone. The other park is fine too. Suppose we're lucky.



Saying that, the brand new sports centre which was due to open in December was set on fire by a 11 and a 12 year old 2 weeks ago!! Setting the opening date back further - so I suppose we're not that lucky!! :arghh:


When visiting parks in and around Perth though, we never saw a bad one, they were all clean and tidy and damage free from what we could tell. I suppose it depends on where you go!!



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Hi Guys & thanks for all your replies,


I realise that you get good & not so good areas everywhere, but the park that I origionally posted about is in a pretty good area! (Now found out it has a problem with a group of teenagers)


I hope that we get more replys, as its great to get an a view point from different people all over.


Kelly :smile:

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our local park is the one thing i will probably miss about here you know, we have CCTV which seems to guilt more people into cleaning up their dogs mess, as we do. we have new play equiptment and it is monitored in a controll room at the police station, there is a talk thru link as well. i have been there before and had police haring up the road to grab some so and so they had been looking for who had made the mistake of strolling thru the park!

we have wide open space, and well maintained play equip. yes you give up a certain part of your civil liberties by being constantly watched - but if you are not doing anything wrong it doesnt bother you.

im sorry your park is so badly looked after, is it worth a chat with the commmunity safety officer? possibly if they get it cleaned up and monitor is more closely you can get a nice place to play!

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Our park is ok good quality play equipment but older children sprayed graffiti all over the floor. Surrounding fields full of dog poo hardly anyone cleans up after dog. Needless to say I dont let my children run free through fields.


Do people clean up after dogs in oz?


Wouldnt it be good if our dogs did this....





Kelly :0)

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Wouldnt it be good if our dogs did this....





Kelly :0)


WOW! That would be fantastic! I could even send my boxer out to clean the streets and bring some money in too! Maybe I could get her to clean out the cats litter tray aswell, mow the lawn, clean the house ........ hmmmm ...... I wish!!!!


Great Pic!!!!

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WOW! That would be fantastic! I could even send my boxer out to clean the streets and bring some money in too! Maybe I could get her to clean out the cats litter tray aswell, mow the lawn, clean the house ........ hmmmm ...... I wish!!!!


Great Pic!!!!


We have a Boxer dog too, he is 9 & we love him to bits


We are currently trying to teach him this helpful job:


main.php%3Fg2_view%3Dcore.DownloadItem%26g2_itemId%3D834729%26g2_serialNumber%3D3 'A beer coaster'!


Kelly :smile:

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Guest wee wen

We have lived in Redland Bay area of Brisbane since emigrating from Scotland 9 months ago. The parks are beautiful and so well looked after. The council workers are always out tidying up etc, sadly, so different from Scotland where everything was getting more and more run down ( councils no money ). I was surprised to see that graffiti is so popular over here , mainly in the bigger towns .I hate it as I think it ruins a beautiful country. There is absolutely not as much dog s---. Don't know why, maybe because dogs are not really encouraged in a lot of areas !

As for drugs and crime, I worked in an area of Scotland which had massive drug & crime problems ( I was a Health Visitor ) and can say with 100% certainty that Oz does not have those problems to the same extent.....

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Guest earlswood
We have lived in Redland Bay area of Brisbane since emigrating from Scotland 9 months ago. The parks are beautiful and so well looked after. The council workers are always out tidying up etc, sadly, so different from Scotland where everything was getting more and more run down ( councils no money ). I was surprised to see that graffiti is so popular over here , mainly in the bigger towns .I hate it as I think it ruins a beautiful country. There is absolutely not as much dog s---. Don't know why, maybe because dogs are not really encouraged in a lot of areas !

As for drugs and crime, I worked in an area of Scotland which had massive drug & crime problems ( I was a Health Visitor ) and can say with 100% certainty that Oz does not have those problems to the same extent.....

It does in Northbride Perth Wen, it really has a problem with drugs in Perth that is getting really bad, I see the dealers all the time when I work in the bars.:policeman:

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We have a Boxer dog too, he is 9 & we love him to bits


We are currently trying to teach him this helpful job:


main.php%3Fg2_view%3Dcore.DownloadItem%26g2_itemId%3D834729%26g2_serialNumber%3D3 'A beer coaster'!


Kelly :smile:


That's ace, our's wouldn't stay still for that long!! She's only 2, so still quite bouncy. She's calming a little though! We managed to train her to sit and that's about it!! Dog training classes didn't work!! Maybe when she's a little older ....

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Guest Ali1963
Oh and wonderfully this morning, I was walking my dog (poo bags in hand as always!) and he rushes out of the undergrowth with a huge gob-full of HUMAN poo!!!:realmad:


I was disgusted - more at the human who did that than the dog who with his very basic instinct decided it was a nicer meal than his usual food. But he still isn't getting near enough to give me a kiss any time soon!:arghh:

I don't have a dog so am unfamiliar with the finer details but I can't get your post out of my head it has grossed me out so much. How did you know it was human? Was the dog being pursued by the perpetrator, pants around ankles, yelling 'Hey, come back, that's my turd'?

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I don't have a dog so am unfamiliar with the finer details but I can't get your post out of my head it has grossed me out so much. How did you know it was human? Was the dog being pursued by the perpetrator, pants around ankles, yelling 'Hey, come back, that's my turd'?



:biglaugh: Oh I wish! I would have rubbed his face in it!


No, it was the size, colour, smell etc. I have been nursing for many years and had enough (very) close encounters to know human poo when I see it.


Believe me, no matter how much it grossed you out, it was 100% worse for me. I have only just been able to look him (the dog) in the eye. I was SOOOOO mad!


Added to all that, I tried to get him to swim in the river which he usually does every day even when we don't want him to, and he wouldn't. We even lost a tennis bal because he would NOT go it. Little ******d!


So...who wanted him? can we arrange collection?:biglaugh:

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Oh I wish! I would have rubbed his face in it!


No, it was the size, colour, smell etc. I have been nursing for many years and had enough (very) close encounters to know human poo when I see it.


Believe me, no matter how much it grossed you out, it was 100% worse for me. I have only just been able to look him (the dog) in the eye. I was SOOOOO mad!


Added to all that, I tried to get him to swim in the river which he usually does every day even when we don't want him to, and he wouldn't. We even lost a tennis bal because he would NOT go it. Little ******d!


So...who wanted him? can we arrange collection?


Oh this is making me laugh :biglaugh:.....It takes me back to when I was toilet training my youngest, it was a warm day & we were in the garden, he had a long t-shirt on, so I left him with no nappie/pants....He did a poop on the garden & my dog (the boxer) thought it was Christmas & bombed towards it (before I could stop him) he wasnt gonna let my other dog get hold of that 'tasty little snack'....He gulped it down.... 29_3_13.gif


(Hope no-one was eating whilst reading this story!)


Kelly :0)

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Guest Ali1963

Right, that's boxers and was he a beagle or a spaniel? off my doggy wish list! This thread is truly gross now. I had a lovely misty - eyed dream of a lovely ,fluffy Andrex puppy, gambolling in the garden with the kids, all falling asleep in a heap on the sofa, buddies for life etc., etc., and you've all gone and ruined it!


I only clicked on this thread in the first place cos I was looking for a little tittilation (?) of an evening. Now it is seriously becoming very filthy!


But back to the original theme, I believe the largest free playground in the southern hemisphere is being built in Donnybrook,WA, which is handily close to where I'm going.



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Right, that's boxers and was he a beagle or a spaniel? off my doggy wish list! This thread is truly gross now. I had a lovely misty - eyed dream of a lovely ,fluffy Andrex puppy, gambolling in the garden with the kids, all falling asleep in a heap on the sofa, buddies for life etc., etc., and you've all gone and ruined it!


I only clicked on this thread in the first place cos I was looking for a little tittilation (?) of an evening. Now it is seriously becoming very filthy!


But back to the original theme, I believe the largest free playground in the southern hemisphere is being built in Donnybrook,WA, which is handily close to where I'm going.




Hi Alison,


Thanks for your post, I hope that the largest playground near to where you are moving is clean & great fun for your kiddies...:yes: I love some of the ideas that have come up with parks being monitored & kept clean, I do hope that where we move, there are nice parks, or just one will do!


Just a note about my Boxer though, he truly is the best dog in the world (poop eating incident aside! :biglaugh:) He is faithfull, loving, caring & the best friend any adult or child could ever wish for.


However, my Beagle....theres another story, steer well clear of Beagles!!!!


Kelly :0)

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Guest NewLifeDownUnder

It does not matter where you are nowadays you will find gangs of kids all over the place. People talk about rome as being a beautiful place with so much history but have you seem the graffiti there it literally is everywhere. We even have pictures of it on cars and vans.


There are 2 types of youth in the UK, the ones that get part time Jobs, help out in the house, enjoy school and would not say boo to a goose. Then there are the ones that think it's fun to hang around annoying passing people and drink, smoke etc. I pity them because they will most likely end up doing nothing with there lives!!


There needs to be more influence from their parents and government bodies to do things to improve life for themselves. Unfortunately many of the parents are just as bad nowadays!!.


Any how, I digress...


The point I am trying to make is it's the same world over and all you can do is live with it and except it for now anyway. Let's hope things change and we start seeing the return of some family values.


You look after kids and they will look after you, ignore them and they will be your worst nightmare!!


Luckily we have great kids who cannot wait until we get to oz.

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Guest earlswood
It does not matter where you are nowadays you will find gangs of kids all over the place. People talk about rome as being a beautiful place with so much history but have you seem the graffiti there it literally is everywhere. We even have pictures of it on cars and vans.


There are 2 types of youth in the UK, the ones that get part time Jobs, help out in the house, enjoy school and would not say boo to a goose. Then there are the ones that think it's fun to hang around annoying passing people and drink, smoke etc. I pity them because they will most likely end up doing nothing with there lives!!


There needs to be more influence from their parents and government bodies to do things to improve life for themselves. Unfortunately many of the parents are just as bad nowadays!!.


Any how, I digress...


The point I am trying to make is it's the same world over and all you can do is live with it and except it for now anyway. Let's hope things change and we start seeing the return of some family values.


You look after kids and they will look after you, ignore them and they will be your worst nightmare!!


Luckily we have great kids who cannot wait until we get to oz.



Good post....spot on....kids are the same world wide..most good ...a few little ****ds

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