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Australia born children


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Im currently living in Australia but plan to move back to the UK. 

All of my children are under 5 years old and where all born in Australia. I am a sole parent for all of them - no second parent at all. 

I am from the UK with dual citizenship for both countries but have spend a number of years now living in Aus.

My questions are

* Because I was born in the UK am I able to apply for UK passports for my children?

* Do they automatically have UK citizenship or is it something I need to apply for for them? (I understand the answer would be yes if I’m able to obtain passports for them but I don’t know this either) 

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Yes you can apply for passports for your kids, form C2 from memory.  They are citizens by descent and it is a straightforward process.

Edited to say, they will, of course, also need their Australian passports to leave the country but you are wise to get their UK ones to enter UK otherwise they will be stamped with a 6 month visa and all sorts of issues - like registering for the NHS etc could be an issue.

Edited by Quoll
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If you are saying that no father is listed on any of the children's birth certificates the it may be straightforward.

If a father is listed on the birth certificate then you need the father's permission to get an Australian passport. This is to stop children being abducted overseas without one of the parent's permission.

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13 hours ago, Quoll said:

Yes you can apply for passports for your kids, form C2 from memory.  They are citizens by descent and it is a straightforward process.

Edited to say, they will, of course, also need their Australian passports to leave the country but you are wise to get their UK ones to enter UK otherwise they will be stamped with a 6 month visa and all sorts of issues - like registering for the NHS etc could be an issue.

Interestingly we entered UK on our Australian passports and went through smart gates. No stamp, no visa, no COVID checks no paperwork………..

Althoughbif you are returning permanently then Uk passports would be useful. From what I hear it is actually quicker applying from here as they are processed in Durham.

Getting Australian passports is much easier in Australia though so definitely get those sorted.

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8 hours ago, Southeastpom said:

Oh amazing. I will do that.

How long ago with this when you’d gone back?

If you go back on Aus passports be aware that they could get stamped with a 6 month visa and be required to leave. Always safer to enter on a UK passport then you won't have any other glitches with NHS etc. If they haven't got passports the government doesn't know they are British - just you saying they are, doesn't make them so until it's been proven.  It's a faff but worth your time, energy and cash.  

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