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abnormal chest x ray!


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I wondered if anyone else have been in this situation. My husbands chest x ray shows mild scarring and he now needs further investigation for TB. He is not ill at all and I am waiting for the GP to phone us back. He will need to provide 3 sputum samples and may need to see a chest specialist. I am not sure if this will ruin our plans to return to Perth. Our house is not sold yet so we are not in a big rush!!

Thanks Arlene

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sorry not been in this predicament though wanted to wish you the best and hope it all goes well - maybe someone else on here can offer you some advice to put your mind at rest


good luck



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Guest taffy 62

My mum had the same problem some thing showed up as a shadow on the lung so she had to have more tests and x rays.

The next lot came back clear, so she thought the first lot came through dodgy cause she had a bit of a cold.

Everything was fine then and she came out shortly after.

So hope everything works out for you :smile:

Usually its nothing but they have to check things through.

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a friend of mine had scarring on her lungs that was investigated, she is a smoker so was really worried, it turned out to be from when she had chicken pox as a child and nothing to worry about.


All you can do is wait for the medical tests and deal with the results as they arrive. Try not to worry I am sure it will all turn out alright in the end.


Karen x

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Guest Jaynie

This happened to my Husband, his Mum had TB when he was young and apparently if there were to be an outbreak he would be more likely to get it than others, when we got here he had to go to hospital for the TB test injection and more xrays as a condition of the Visa, he was fine and we have been here a long time now, on another note.....His Mum lives over here too! So try not to worry.

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Guest Clare1969

I had the same thing went for chest xrays and was told that I must have had TB because there was scaring in my lungs. Got it confirmed from GP that I had not had TB all I had to do was sign a health undertaking for the Australian Government which just ment that I had to undergo more chest xrays when I got here within a certain period and I have to say in touch with the health authorities here for 1 year.

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I wondered if anyone else have been in this situation. My husbands chest x ray shows mild scarring and he now needs further investigation for TB. He is not ill at all and I am waiting for the GP to phone us back. He will need to provide 3 sputum samples and may need to see a chest specialist. I am not sure if this will ruin our plans to return to Perth. Our house is not sold yet so we are not in a big rush!!

Thanks Arlene


Oh God my nightmare! both my parents died young 38 and 63 from Lung Cancer and I smokeed as a stupid adolecent, hate smoking now but before the smoking ban I was subjected to it for another 10 years passive smoking this is my biggest fear already giving me nightmares!:unsure:

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Guest JoanneHattersley

When going for PR I had an abnormal XRay- they were querying cardiomyopathy (scary thought!)


Luckily all was ok and it was something to do with angle at which it was taken. Im thankful that they are that diligent in their checking!!!

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Guest Gollywobbler

I wondered if anyone else have been in this situation. My husbands chest x ray shows mild scarring and he now needs further investigation for TB. He is not ill at all and I am waiting for the GP to phone us back. He will need to provide 3 sputum samples and may need to see a chest specialist. I am not sure if this will ruin our plans to return to Perth. Our house is not sold yet so we are not in a big rush!!

Thanks Arlene


Hello Arlene


It is HIGHLY unlikely that Hubby has TB, even if he has recently been in a country which has a high incidence of it.


In any case, TB is not a bar to migration. They simply put the visa application on "hold" whilst the medics treat the applicant with antibiotics to get rid of the TB. After that, the visa is granted.


It is a worrying time and I know it is easy to say, "try not to worry", but you know what I mean! The chances of it being anything sinister really are very, very small.


Best wishes



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Thanks everyone for your replies. We are waiting for an appointment with the chest specialist now. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with him and I understand why Australia is so strict with these things!

Our house is not sold yet anyway so we are in no mad rush so I will carry on being obsessed with PIO and drinking Australian wine every night!!

Thanks Arlene

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