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Is it right?


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The lease of the rental house will be up on 16/12/19. I told real estate yesterday i will be moving out on 16/12.

Today they sent me an email states I will be paying until 22/12/19 due to I didn't give them two week notice upfront.

My question is why i should pay extra after my lease finished?? Is it legal?

Please advise, I'm in QLD.


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Most lease agreements are for 6 or 12 months to start with, but after that, it automatically renews on a month-to-month basis.   If you wanted to leave on the 16th, you needed to confirm that at least two weeks before that date.   You didn't, so the lease automatically became a monthly lease, which you can terminate any time by giving two weeks' written notice.  I'd say you're quite lucky they didn't say you had to pay rent for a full two weeks from the day you gave notice. 

I suggest you find your lease document and read it to see what applies in your case.


Edited by Marisawright
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2 weeks notice is short, other states is 3 or 4 weeks.

Most leases automatically roll to month to month.

E.g. my lease expired nearly 3 years ago but I am still living here.

So yes the RE is correct, you should have given notice earlier.

Edited by Collie
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Is this it?

Additional info:

the house in the ad says fully air coned in all bedroom and lounge, after we moved in, we found out the air con in the lounge was broken long ago before we move in( according to technician).

We informed agent, agent said the owner wants to sell the house so he wont fix it and after our lease up he will put the house on market so we will be on a periodeic term lease.

We live in a place summer time its up to 40 degree, we cant even sit in the living room watching tv...i really dont know why they would assume we want to stay after they done nothingreceived_765115007332443.jpeg

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