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Where to start??


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I'm a British woman, living in the UK, who has been in a relationship with an Australian man, living in oz, for the past 18 months.

We have decided to make things more permanent and I am wanting to move to Australia to live with him, and will be bringing my 2 children (from a previous relationship) with me.

We have done a lot of research and although we have seen all the available Visas and are considering options we really aren't sure where to start in this whole process.  Has anyone been through this and can advise? We want to start the ball rolling asap so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks 😊

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The first hurdle is to get is permission from your ex partner to remove the children.  They have to do this official in a witnessed stat dec (they have to take photo id to prove their identity).  If your ex say yes - great, if not, you will then have to look at going to court to remove the children from the UK and prove why it is in their best interests to do so.   Then if would be onto applying for the visa.

Which visa are you considering?  It sounds like you may not meet the defacto requirements of the partner visa from what you've written - are you thinking of going for the prospective marriage visa?

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Agree you should speak with an agent, paulhand above is one and there are others who regularly post on this site. Before you do anything I’d say be 100% sure your children’s father will give his permission. If he won’t you have a long, lengthy and expensive battle through the courts in which you’d have to demonstrate the move would be in your children’s best interests. Not easy when you’re talking about moving from one first world country to another. Do the children see their father? 

Edited by Tulip1
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