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Can anyone who had an offshore CPV 143 visa application and private medicals carried out in the UK who has had their visa granted - and therefore passed their medicals - please indicate what feedback they received to that effect and also, how long they waited to hear something?   I would ask this question also of anyone who encountered any health issues that were communicated back from immigration.   We had our medicals done on 15th January and thereafter transmitted to immigration electronically by the health clinic.   We both have existing health conditions which I don't believe to be serious and detrimental to our application, but we are anxious to know how long we can expect to wait to hear something back, good bad or indifferent!   Is this process as long and drawn out as the Assurance of Support Bond process or should we hear something back fairly soon?

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I would have recommended you to seek professional advice from a specialist agent. Medical conditions do not necessarily have to be serious to result in a refusal. It is based around cost. So, if a medication is particularly expensive, it can result in rejection. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

@surfersj  just saw this and I had my medical on the 25th February and received a call the next day from Knightsbridge doctors requesting I come back immediately to have another x-ray done as they found an abnormality on my x-ray. I finally received a report back from them 3 weeks later to say "there was no concerning factors" and that they have now forward my medical report to IMMI on 19th March. I haven't heard anything since.

I think if there was an issue they would have contacted you immediately to do further tests.

Very worrying 3 weeks I can tell you!

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The exact same thing happened to my wife.  The health clinic that carried out the medical suggested that she contact her GP to mention the X-ray result.  Subsequently referred to a Respiratory Consultant who arranged for a CT chest scan which led to getting the all clear.  Like you it was a worrying 4 weeks!  

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If there are no issues with the medical you will hear nothing from Immigration.  My husband has ischaemic heart disease, well controlled on medication.  We had a very stressful day prior to the medical and on the day his blood pressure was well up although normally it is fine. The doctor commented that he might get an immediate visa refusal which panicked us. Our agent reassured us that doesn’t happen. We would be asked to get a second opinion from a cardiologist and even after that there is an appeals process. We have heard absolutely nothing from immi about the medicals. We’ve now paid the bond and are waiting to pay the 2nd VAC so it obviously wasn’t an issue. We were on tenterhooks for months though, waiting in case a second opinion was needed. So, no news is good news!

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A friend of mine had been through a very stressful few months prior to the medical and the Dr. was unable to record a normal BP after 3 attempts.  She was asked to have tests e.g. see cardiologist/stress tests.  All came back ok and they got their visa.

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1 hour ago, ali said:

A friend of mine had been through a very stressful few months prior to the medical and the Dr. was unable to record a normal BP after 3 attempts.  She was asked to have tests e.g. see cardiologist/stress tests.  All came back ok and they got their visa.

When I had my medical a few weeks ago the machine registered 151!! I said I have never ever had a problem with high blood pressure, I certainly don’t have white coat syndrome!! 

It was redone as per normal practice and 121. Apparently as I had it taken on my left arm, I have a problem with my right arm, I was told sorry I didn’t align the cuff properly as I usuall only take it on the right arm!! Could have posed the necessity of further check ups if that mistake had continued. Any way all seems Good luckily.

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