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Joining My Boyfriend in Australia


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Hello everybody,


I hope you are all well 🙂


I wonder if you could help me. I have tried searching online everywhere but I can't find an answer! 


I am in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend who is Australian and I am British. I have a temp visa which allows me to go over for 3 months at a time, and it lasts for a year. He is able to visit England for 6 months at a time without a visa. We want to live together permanently but for me to go to Australia long-term, I understand we have to prove that we've been living together for at least 12 months? How can we live together when we need the visa to be able to do that in the first place? Does anybody know if there's a way around this for long-distance relationships, or is marriage the only option?


Thanks so much in advance!



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Depending on where you are in your relationship, you may want to look into the Prospective Marriage Visa (visa 300). You don't need to be living together to qualify (hence why long distance couples often go down that route), but you do need to want to get married! 🙂

Once granted you have nine months to move to Australia, get married, and apply for a partner visa (at a discounted rate, mercifully - a PMV fee is around $7000, the subsequent partner visa fee is around $1300).

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You also don't need to live together to get a de facto relationship although it's certainly one of the strongest forms of evidence regarding the strength of your relationship.  If you don't live together permanently at the moment, you would need to prove that your relationship is still at the level of de facto.

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