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How and where to start, help/advice needed please?


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Hi all

I`m starting to look into trying to make the move across to oz. I`m a 42 yr old man, divorced and single for a couple of years and I have no kids. I don`t really have much in the way of "baggage", i would just be looking to get myself across, rent initially and go from there. I have a house and a mortgage here in the uk, my thoughts were to keep the house here and let my mum live here and basically pay the upkeep of the house while i`m away (she rents currently and this would help as it would reduce her outgoings too) although having read a few posts it seems this may create some tax issues? 

I work for Autoglass in the uk, who are o`briens over in australia which would be my way of gaining employment there although i appreciate this isn`t on the skilled trades list. They have said a position would be available if i could get the visa but i`m not sure if they can help with getting the visa itself. 

I don`t have huge needs compared to most, just to get myself over and a few bits, i don`t have a great deal of material things i would need to ship over, i`m just hoping to make a new start, there is very little here for me anymore. I would be looking to use an agent to help with the visa as i wouldn`t be confident in doing it myself.


I know i`m pushing it age wise and my trade may not be the most desirable but Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated!!


Many thanks



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The visa is going to be your biggest hurdle - all the other stuff is irrelevant if you can't get a visa! If your skills aren't on the list of skills in demand then you're not going to get very far. In order to sponsor you, the employer has to demonstrate that they can't fill  the position with an Australian and that's quite a process and it would only be temporary anyway. 

Talk to an agent but don't be surprised if there isn't a way to get a visa given your skills, not everyone who wants to go (baggage or not!) can get to go.

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From what you’ve said, I think you are unlikely to get a visa. Companies can only sponsor someone if they cannot fill that position in Australia. They have to show evidence that they have tried including how they have advertised the position etc. They also have to pay out a fair amount to put the sponsorship in place, including paying for you to get there etc. You haven’t stated your exact job but from what you’ve put your occupation is unlikely to be unique and difficult to find in Oz.  If it’s not on the skills list it’s reasonable to assume they don’t need it there. 

As for your house, you would need to get permission from your mortgage provider to rent your house out. They are likely to give that on a short term basis (consent to let). If it is likely to go on longer than a year or so which is likely from what you say then it would need to be changed to a buy to let mortgage. When letting, you are not allowed to have family members as tenents so you may have a problem there. Check with your lender, not sure they all follow that but certainly most do. The tax bit is something an accountant could help you with, I’m not sure about that. 

Get the visa first, worry about the rest later. I’d contact a migrant agent if I was you as I don’t think you qualify, better to know for sure as it may not be what you want to hear but you need to know. Best of luck. 

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3 hours ago, James44 said:

I work for Autoglass in the uk, who are o`briens over in australia... They have said a position would be available if i could get the visa but i`m not sure if they can help with getting the visa itself. 

If your occupation isn't on the skilled list, then there is no way for you to get a visa by yourself. 

There are employer-sponsored visas, but the employer has to do most of the work of applying.  It's complicated and they will need to hire an agent to manage it all, and they have to bear the cost.  However, they are only temporary visas which will let you live in Australia for two to four years, then you have to go home again - would that be worth the effort? 

I'm afraid the harsh fact is that the majority of Brits have no chance of moving to Australia.   Australia isn't a new country, desperate for people, any more.  The unemployment rate here is about the same as the UK.  Because of that,  Australia doesn't want to import people who will compete with locals for jobs.  So they will only accept people with skills that are in short supply - and they're very strict about it.  

Edited by Marisawright
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If you can't obtain a visit to work - why not come out for an (extended if you can) visit requiring a visa you can obtain online via here



and have a good look around. You may even find that it's nice to visit but maybe not for you.

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3 hours ago, Ozzie said:

If you can't obtain a visit to work - why not come out for an (extended if you can) visit requiring a visa you can obtain online via here



and have a good look around. You may even find that it's nice to visit but maybe not for you.

But only if he fancies a holiday in Oz. No point going to check it out if he can’t move there 

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13 hours ago, Tulip1 said:


No but that’s what he wants 

Well, yes... that is what the thread is about after all 🙄 I was simply saying why not come for a holiday and here are some links to the visas.....  why can't he come to check it out?

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