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Confused about how to get invited


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I had originally written a detailed thread in order to glean information about skilled visas. I was confused about the difference between the 190 visa and the 489 visa. A kind woman wrote a very detailed response and suddenly the site went down with an error message. My account was not recognized and now the thread is gone. Very bizarre. Anyway, I'm back and going to try to remember what I wrote the first time around. Below is a part of what I wrote however, the first part has weirdly disappeared. 

Some questions were this:

How stringent is the cooking skills test?

Where in the London can I do my English and skills test? As in the name and and address of a place in London if anyone knows, would be great.

The lady who replied said that it took 10 months to be granted the visa. 

Did anyone run into any problems applying for their visa (190 or 489) I'm applying as a cook. 

Thanks for any help. Below is my original message. 

Thank you again for taking the time to answer these questions = major help. You're a star! May I clarify a few things. Is your husband a native English speaker. If yes, he still had trouble with the test?

And when you say I will need an agent. Do you mean for the permanent residency or the first stages of the applications. 

So on top of the 1500$ skills and English test you also had to pay for the 489 visa yes? 

Thanks again!!! I'm glad the cook test is simple! That's a relief. Once you get the visa and are in the country they don't check up to see what kind of job you have? I hope to work as a culinary instructor and not a commercial cook so I hope that is the case. 

Even native speakers can have trouble with the English test, it's not unusual.

There is an application fee for all visas.

Once you get your visa and arrive in the country, you are not obliged to work in your nominated occupation.

Finally, using an agent is not compulsory.  You can do the whole thing yourself.  Applications made through agents don't get any special treatment.  HOWEVER it's a complicated process and if you make a mistake, they don't always give you a chance to fix it - they just reject the application and you've lost your money.  So although it's expensive to use an agent, it's a heck of a lot safer.  

I suggest you arrange a consultation with an agent now.  An agent doesn't just fill in the forms.  It's their job to look at your qualifications and experience, and tell you (a) what visa you should go for and (b) your chances of success.   They will help you calculate your points accurately.  Then if you decide to go ahead, they'll do the application and steer you through the process and answer all your questions.  

There are several good agents, I would pick the ones who are particularly generous with their time on these forums, like @wrussell or @Raul Senise

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1 hour ago, jazzdavis said:

Thanks for your suggestion. I cannot afford that route right now so I am trying to gain information via what other people have been through. Thanks. 

Is it worth being unsuccessful due to a lack of understanding.. if it takes abit longer to save for a registered agent then Trust me it’s money well spent.. peace of mind is very important in this whole process 

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Some registered migration agents will undertake  a free preliminary assessment and let a prospective applicant know whether a case is hopeless. If more than that is required - a full case analysis or advice about what might be done to improve visa prospects,  a consultation fee can be expected.

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From what I understand it's 3000-4000 pounds for an agent. I'm happy to pay for the other things to get into the country but not an extra 8000$ Canadian. Too steep. I'll just do my homework. 

How much is the state application. The visa is about 4000$ alone. 

Edited by jazzdavis
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