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Popular trades in QLD?

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I'm moving to hopefully Cairns in September if not will be in rural qld where-ever the wife can get a job, but I'd like to do a short training course in a popular trade in rural qld, but I have no idea what trades are popular or in need, if any can suggest something that'd be great.


I currently work in IT.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi @SUPERSTARDJ01 Cairns is the Paradise I wish we could have continued living in until we died. You will love it there.

Work wise will be tough, the majority of jobs are in hospitality and tourism, sales or health. I am guessing your wife could be a nurse/teacher? 

‘I would say the next industry sector would be construction, but unless you already have a qualification and experience in a trade it will be hard going. 

‘I don’t know what your interests are, but if you enjoyed or fancied being a diving instructor it’s something to work towards once there, a lot of the diving schools will train you up.

If you are interested in working in hospitality I would highly recommend doing the following courses that can be done online and are quite a reasonable price. They are required by the majority of hospitality establishments. There are other online companies who offer the exact same course so check around for the cheapest. We used the one below for my son.

RSA - Responsible Service of Alcohol - http://www.hia.edu.au/responsible-service-of-alcohol/queensland/

RSG - Responsible Service of Gambling - http://www.hia.edu.au/responsible-service-of-gambling/queensland/

Food Handling Courses - http://www.hia.edu.au/food-safety-training/food-handling-courses/

Some places also like you to have a Barista course, you can do it at the TAFE in Cairns however we went down to Brisbane for my sons.

Check that any course you do is accredited as there are a number of Mickey Mouse type training facilities around.

Another idea and one that my eldest son did was get a job at the airport. He started off at Cairns probably 6 years ago now and transferred to Townsville when he moved to Uni. He works as a baggage handler and they go through staff quite quickly as people can’t hack hard work. Last time I was up there I was chatting to one of the security staff and he is contracted (I can’t remember who through sorry but I can find out if needed) and was earning double of what my son was on with a very easy work load. 

‘I know a few garages who struggled getting mechanics but again that would take a few years.

If I can help answer any more questions fire away 



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Thank you,  that's a lot of info, not quite sure what u by until died lol, I'm a qualified diver all be it entry level bit something to work on I guess? I wouldn't mind working for customs and excise, I have seen some IT jobs but think I'd like to try something else, I've done bar work and hospitality in the past, security would be ok wouldn't mind knowing that agency name. Might be worth doing some of those courses, the more I have the easier to find employment. 

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If you're a qualified diver, then you would definitely get work.  My step-niece got plenty of diving work when she was here on her WHV.  

Security at airports in Australia is handled by the big security companies, not agencies.  Last I heard, ISS Facility Services had the contract but that was a while ago now.   You could try ringing them and ask. Alternatively, Cairns airport and asking them who manages their security, they might tell you.  


I can't think what trades you could qualify for with just a "short course", most would need a more serious commitment.  

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Guest The Pom Queen

You would need to be a dive instructor, they usually ask for.

PADI open water diving instructors certificate

Senior First Aid Qualification & Oxygen Qualification valid for 1 year

Current PADI Membership and insurance

Current Dive Medical

It’s a case of working your way up the various courses until you get there. Here is what you need http://www.prodivecairns.com/idc as I said some like Pro Dive and the one my son went with will train you in return for you working for them for a set amount of time.

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15 hours ago, Marisawright said:

If you're a qualified diver, then you would definitely get work.  My step-niece got plenty of diving work when she was here on her WHV.  

Security at airports in Australia is handled by the big security companies, not agencies.  Last I heard, ISS Facility Services had the contract but that was a while ago now.   You could try ringing them and ask. Alternatively, Cairns airport and asking them who manages their security, they might tell you.  


I can't think what trades you could qualify for with just a "short course", most would need a more serious commitment.  

Commitment isn't an issue, as long as I can earn something to start with, I'd work in McDonalds if I had too., 

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7 hours ago, SUPERSTARDJ01 said:

Commitment isn't an issue, as long as I can earn something to start with, I'd work in McDonalds if I had too., 

What I meant was, commitment to a longer-term course, apprenticeship etc.   You asked about short courses to qualify for a trade, I can't think of any that are short.

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54 minutes ago, SUPERSTARDJ01 said:

Yes, that's what I meant

Aha, but a "short training course" was what you asked for.

I do think that your best bet would be the diving schools or a security course if you're going to be in Cairns.  If you end up in rural Queensland then you're going to struggle to find anywhere to do a course, anyway.  You might be better off at doing IT work online.

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